I just changed all the passwords in a certain vault for multiple people. Problems logging in now.


Hello, I am a 1 Passwords for teams member. I just changed all passwords via the website and used password generator to replace old passwords. Now other team members are having trouble signing in with 1Password and new passwords. In a couple instances the new password didnt work and reverted back to old password. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Do I have to be an Admin to change passwords?

1Password Version: 6.0.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OSX 10.11.12
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:change-password-safety-nets


  • Ben

    Hi @victoriacheng,

    Thanks for taking the time to write in! To be sure we're on the same page... Did you go through the change password process for each of the sites? Changing the password in 1Password for Teams does not change your account password for the website. So, to be clear, the process should be:

    1) Change the password on the website in question using their password change process, and optionally using 1Password to generate a new secure password.
    2) Save the new password in 1Password, replacing the old password with the new one

    As to your last question, you do not need to be an admin to change passwords, but you do need the 'write' permission for the vault the passwords are within.



  • victoriacheng
    Community Member

    Thanks Ben - I did go into each website and change each password individually using password generator and then updated it on 1Password. However, other team members are having problems signing in, and then when I copy/paste the newly generated password to them to sign in manually with the new password, the password is invalid. Can you think of any reason that is happening?

  • rob

    Hi, @victoriacheng. The only time I've seen what you're describing is when the website silently truncates part of the new password that was entered. For example, it might have a 16-character limit, and if I enter a 20-character password, it might just take the first 16 characters and not tell me my password was too long.

    That's the worst. I'm not sure if that's what happened in your case, but it is a possibility. Just to get a sense of the problem, how many passwords did you change and how many are now not working correctly?

  • victoriacheng
    Community Member

    Thank you Rob, I didn't think of that and it seems likely that that is the issue!

  • rob

    You're more than welcome, @victoriacheng! :)

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