Trying to confirm new team members, but getting Operation is not permitted error


I sent out an invite to a team member, and they got to set up their account fine, but when it came time for me (admin) to confirm their account, I got this error:

Failed to confirm members
Operation not permitted

This is in the web app admin console. Here's a screenshot:

I can confirm that I am in the Owners, Administrators, and Recovery groups. Is there something I missed while sending invites?


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • wilrnh
    Community Member

    I think I found a possible explanation:

    I created the account with a company email, then invited and confirmed a gmail email (personal). I then removed the company email account, and am now using the personal account to confirm new invites. Since 1password apparently does not allow gmail emails in the invite whitelist, I assume that my personal account is being blocked from confirming new team members from it :ohnoes:

    I'm not sure if this is the desired behavior, or a bug. Regardless, halp.

  • wilrnh
    Community Member

    I'm also open to completely deleting the account and starting over. Ideally I get to keep my team name and url. But I cannot find any such tool in the webapp.

  • Jeff Shiner
    edited February 2016

    Hi @wilrnh

    I am sorry that you are having trouble confirming your pending team members.

    Switching from the company email to your gmail email should not have caused this problem. It is possible that it indeed did cause this problem, but it certainly wasn't intended to. :) I can not see anything that would be preventing you from confirming these new team members, and unfortunately am not able to reproduce this behaviour myself.

    As curious as I am to continue investigating and understand what is causing this, the quickest path to get you back up and running again would be to delete your team and start over. If this is the path that you want to take then can you please email our support channel ( ) with a request to delete your team. I will keep an eye out for that email. You should be able to keep your same team name and url after the deletion.

    Sorry for the hassle.

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