Why is 1Password for Windows is on version 4 whereas for Mac it is on version 6?

Community Member

The reason behind this question is because I want to get the windows version of 1Password but wanted to make sure it is the latest version.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • wkleem
    Community Member

    I am almost certain that the version numbering will equalise eventually. 1Password on the MAC started, I believe, in 2006 and it was named 1Passwd back then. 1Password 1.0 for Windows and 1Password 4 for Windows were initially released much later in 2010 and 2014. There was no 1Password 2 and 3 for Windows.



  • MurtadhaFateel
    Community Member

    OK so only numbers are different but the features of version 6 for mac and version 4 for Windows are exactly the same?

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @MurtadhaFateel,

    They're not exactly the same, there are feature disparities between the two platforms but not so significant that you cannot sync your data between the two. Some are related to the operating system differences and some are due to very different design decisions as 1Password 4 for Windows shares certain architecture similarities with 1Password 3 for Mac where things are very different in 1Password 4-6 for Mac. The largest example of this is the use of an SQLite database file in 1Password 4-6 for Mac which is why your Master Password unlocks all secondary vaults. In 1Password 4 for Windows it reads and writes directly to the Agile Keychain or OPVault much like 1Password 3 for Mac did so it has no notion of secondary vaults - you only ever have one unlocked at a time.

    We we're always moving forward though and we're currently working on new versions so it will be interesting to see what happens there.

    Despite certain differences though things like syncing, Login items and TOTP codes all work across the various platforms and many of our users do happily use 1Password on both Mac and Windows. Assuming you haven't purchased already don't forget you can try 1Password 4 for Windows for 30 days in its trial mode before making a decision.

  • MurtadhaFateel
    Community Member

    @littlebobbytables okay thank you for your detailed input :)

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Glad I could help :smile:

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