Windows teams beta - can't figure out how to import records


I have the windows teams beta installed. I can't figure out how to import records (from CSV) via the desktop app or the web version. I can add individual records, but import option doesn't appear. Please advise.

1Password Version: 2016.1.1200
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: windows 10
Sync Type: na


  • Hi @abacusdesign,

    Can you help us out please?
    Which app are you trying to import data from?
    Going from 1Password 4 for Windows to 1Password for Teams requires an intermediary step because the current Windows version doesn't support 1Password for Teams.

    We do have a new version for Windows in the beta, though, which you can download in the Microsoft Store on any Windows 10 PC.

    I hope this helps.

  • abacusdesign
    Community Member

    Hi. Just from csv. I don't even see an import option on any menu - desktop (reinstalled from windows 10 microsoft store just now) or web. Is there a sep windows 10 beta for TEAMS onlY? or one for both teams and regular accounts? I see no option to import anywhere!

  • @abacusdesign there is no option using 1Password for Windows from the Store to import CSV as of today. But if you have your data in .agilekeychain or .opvault folder, you can open it and you should be able to share that data with Team vault.

  • abacusdesign
    Community Member

    I'm switching from splash ID on windows. is there any way to convert the data?

  • abacusdesign
    Community Member

    Update: I downloaded the old windows app (ver 4) and installed it , imported CSV and then used that .agilekeychain file to import into windows beta. so far, so good.

  • Thank you for perseverance! We hope to make it easier soon.

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