Personal passwords in 1Password Desktop and/or 1Password for teams?

When creating a team, every user is given a "Personal" vault. Should I encourage my users to move all their personal passwords (e. g. if they have been using 1Password before) to this vault?

The benefit might be that they get instant access to this private data on all devices they are using. So, they no longer need to share their personal (offline) vaults via DropBox to work on multiple computers.

On the other hand, what happens if they leave and I need to remove them from the team? Will they lose their passwords?

Second, is it a good or terribly bad idea to create a very strong (but unmemorable) master password for the 1Password Team account and store that in my already existing 1Password Desktop app?


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OS Version: Not Provided
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  • Hi @mpdude,

    Thanks for additional questions!

    We recommend users not store their non-teams personal items in the "Personal" vault. It is much better to use this vault for all the items team-related items that a user doesn't want to share with anyone else. As you've mentioned, if the user leaves the team, they would lose access to all these passwords.

    Ideally, they could each sign up for their own family account and keep their personal items there. You can sign into multiple teams within the 1Password apps, so that works really nicely - this is how I do it :)

    If they would rather not sign up for their own account, then they can always store their personal passwords in the non-teams "Primary" vault. If you don't see this vault in 1Password for Mac, you can enable it in 1Password > Preferences > Advanced > Enable Personal Vaults.

    We always recommend memorizing your Master Password. It is possible to create a very strong Master Password that is also easy to remember and type in. Have a read through this blog post for more info:

    Let us know if you have any other questions!

  • julie-tx
    1Password Alumni

    @Meek neglected to share the most bestest blog post of all times for creating master passwords:

  • sarie
    Community Member

    @Meek - when I sign up for my personal account for 1Password do I get access to that via the 1Password app that is on my desktop? Do I need to install another 1Password app? I apologise but I am new with 1Password and I intend to migrate all my existing data to 1Password once done. Please enlighten me? Thanks a whole bunch. :-)

  • @sarie Welcome to 1Password! :) Glad to have you on board. There's actually a difference between the local 1Password data and Teams/Families data. You can use the standalone app without Teams or Families and sync it to iCloud, Dropbox, or another supported option, or you can just use Teams/Families. If you're not sure which is for you, let us know and we can give you a quick comparison.

    If you've already decided, my next question is whether you currently have any data in the app, or are you looking to move things over? If you have your passwords stored somewhere else, you'll need to import them first. You can do that in our Mac and Windows app (I'm not sure what platform you have). This knowledge base article has all the details:

    Import data from other applications

    Once your data is in 1Password, you can just keep it there and use the standalone app, or you can move it to Teams/Families. It's a very simple process and takes about a minute if you already have a Teams/Families account.

    Hopefully that gets the ball rolling a bit. Let us know what you think! :)

  • oscar78
    Community Member

    Hi Guys,
    I have another question regarding the PERSONAL TEAM VAULT.

    This personal vault is very useful for the ADMIN when we should open an account to the team member only, we move the password only there. In fact like you wrote PERSONAL VAULT is all then PERSONAL of the member, is owned from the company (because we can drop it)... soooo my question is

    Why is not possible to see the content of a PERSONAL VAULT of a member if I'm ADMIN?

    Right now I'm moving my organization to 1password, I need to open personal accounts on different systems etc, and many of them are personal accounts, so ... where do you think I should store them?
    I don't like so much to open a vault for each user if there is a PERSONAL VAULT already... what do you think ?


  • @oscar78 Good question. We're actually planning to add individual item sharing in the future. It's not ready yet, but when it is that should eliminate the need to see the contents of someone's Personal vault. This forum post has a bit more info on how that might be implemented.

    As for why you can only see the Personal vault of someone if you use that member's account, this was done out of privacy. People may decide they want to store some of their personal items in that vault for home use and other things. They may also have their work email in there, which is not something everyone should have access to. And just generally speaking, it's civil to give someone that kind of privacy. Of course, you can invite folks as Guests if you'd like and they won't have Personal vaults at all. They have access to no vaults by default and you can add them to specific ones.

    Right now I'm moving my organization to 1password, I need to open personal accounts on different systems etc, and many of them are personal accounts, so ... where do you think I should store them?

    Until Teams an item-sending ability, I'd recommend using individual vaults for this. You can add and remove people from a vault very easily. At AgileBits, if someone needs to send someone else a password, they just use their own vault, so mine would be "Penderworth's Shared". I'd give the other member access to that vault, then put the items in it, and let them know they can copy them. When they confirm that they have, I remove them from the vault. Nice and simply. :) I hope that helps you too.

  • oscar78
    Community Member

    Hi Penderworth,

    yeah, I already saw that is possible to create many vault as we want, and I will use this Method... but I think is a bit confusing the concept of "personal vault" in a team, where the Admin is able to drop this vault any time...


  • @oscar78 I'm not sure what you mean. How can we improve things? :) Admins aren't able to affect Personal vaults at all, as I mentioned.

  • oscar78
    Community Member

    I will create different VAULTS shared each one with ONE TEAM MEMBER only ... that's all...
    sad that I should create like 15 vault for this when there are already the personal vault in our team... this is my point ;)


  • Jacob
    edited March 2016

    @oscar78 I know what you mean, and it is a bit redundant. Hopefully we'll have a better solution for individual item sharing soon, though. :)

    ref: B5-1162

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