Lost Password - not finished editing before Auto-Lock


I just entered a whole bunch of new data to a new Wireless Router record in a shared 1Password for Teams shared vault.

I wasn't finished configuring all aspects of a new router before I was called away from the computer. Since my Auto-Lock timeout period is set for 5 minutes, 1Password was locked when I returned to finish editing. My data for the new record is now nowhere to be found. I'm pretty frustrated, as it took me about 20 minutes to set up this new router and it now has to be reset to factory settings since I no longer have the router admin password saved... :( I know that I should have hit save before getting up from the computer, but I don't remember ever losing data in a previous version of 1Password for Mac, even if I hadn't manually saved the new record.

I am using 1Password from the Mac App Store, version 6.0.1 (601004). Mac OS X version is 10.11.3. To create the record, I hit the "+" button at the bottom of the screen, and selected Wireless Router from the pop-up.

Is this a known issue in this version of 1Password? I'd appreciate any help you can give me.

1Password Version: 6.0.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.11.3
Sync Type: 1Password for Teams


  • Hi @jennifer,

    I am sorry to hear about the lost item.

    The Mac app should be saving any pending changes to the new item before it locks. I tested it in 1Password 6.0.3.BETA-2 and it worked as expected here.

    If you select "All Items" and then sort by Date Created, can you see it the list?

  • jennifer
    Community Member

    Thanks for your reply! In 6.0.1. from the Mac App Store, I just tested this again. I created a brand new Wireless Router record with test data in the fields that I'm pretty sure I had filled in earlier and again, it auto-locked and my new record is gone - it does not show up in "All Items" when sorted by Date Created.

    This was a new Wireless Router entry with the following fields filled in, in my "Your Vault" personal vault:

    Title of record (modified from the default)
    Base station name
    base station password
    Network name
    Wireless Security
    Wireless network password

    To make things even more strange, I tried creating a new record after switching my default "vault for saving" in the Vaults preferences to a team vault that I share with my husband. Same sort of test data entered, into the same list of fields as above. This time I know that my cursor was left in the Notes field when I let the computer go idle. This time my record WAS saved, but everything except the Title was missing!!! Not good.

    Obviously, I will remember to manually save any new Wireless Router records that I save in the future, but this makes me very nervous about entering new records of other types as well since it's not uncommon around here for my kids to call me away from the computer while I'm in the middle of something. In this case it can be remedied by resetting my new router and re-doing all of the setup, but if it were something more important like the encryption key for a drive and not able to be recreated so easily, I'd be much more upset... and it's making me wonder if perhaps I'm missing anything important that has been entered over the last few weeks since I switched to 1Password for Teams.

    I didn't want to have to switch over to the non-App Store version of 1Password because it's easier for me to maintain our different family desktops and laptops by just telling everyone to go to the App Store to update when a new version is released. I guess I'm just wondering if this is a known issue in 6.0.1 and, if it is, if it is on a list of bugs to be corrected soon.

    Thanks again for your help!

  • jennifer
    Community Member

    I just tested this on my daughter's MacBook Air (OS X version 10.10.5, 1Password version 6.0.1 from Mac App Store) and saw the same behavior - the newly created records were either there after the auto-lock with Title (both modified and the default "Wireless Router") ONLY and all other fields blank, or the record would be missing entirely, depending on which vault the record belonged to ("My Vault" vs a shared teams vault) and/or which field the text entry cursor was in when the auto-lock happened.

  • Hi @jennifer,

    There's two issues at play here.

    The first is that in version 6 how we do the saving of those changes changed. When fixing another issue we inadvertently broke this feature. We tried fixing it up, but what ended up shipping in version 6.0, 6.0.1 and 6.0.2 is a little finicky. What you're seeing is that the first 5 seconds of your editing is getting saved as a new item, but nothing after that. We're in the process of fixing that right now. Chad has written up some awesome code that gives us a much better solution. We're currently in the process of testing out the solution so that we can release it and fix up this issue.

    The second issue is one that you haven't touched on, but I thought I would mention anyways as it's tied at the hip to this. The goal after we've incorporated Chad's changes is that when using Personal vaults (non-Teams vaults), the behavior should match exactly what it was prior to version 6. That is, when you lock while editing a new item, that new item will get saved for you. If you lock while you're doing edits to an existing item, then those changes will get saved apart from the item and will be available to you via a "Resume Editing" button on the item. When using Teams vaults, the scenario you're describing (creating a new item, and locking while still in edit mode) should result in the item being saved for you. But when editing an existing item and locking, the edits will not get saved anywhere. 1Password for Teams on the Mac doesn't yet have the ability to save those pending edits for the "Resume Editing" button to work. This is something I'd like us to get fixed up, but the fix isn't imminent like the other. We can't use the old mechanism as it's not very extensible and won't give us the flexibility we know we'll need with Teams moving forward. We need to build something new.

    I hope this helps explain the situation.


  • If you look at the most recent items, you should see something generically e.g. "Wireless Router" with no information in it, but with a Resume Editing button. If you click that button you should be back to where you left off. As Rick mentioned, we have a better solution to this coming where the item name will be preserved correctly for newly created items.

  • jennifer
    Community Member

    Thanks, Chad and Rick, for your comments. My background is in software development, so I certainly appreciate the difficulty and complexity of having to write already existing features from scratch. However, this really makes me nervous and I hope that it is a top priority fix - having life get in the way of computer work happens to me on a daily basis, and I rely heavily on 1Password to save my important data for me, even if I get interrupted sometimes. I have used 1Password for years and have purchased it for friends and family and pointed many others towards purchasing. I'll feel pretty awful if someone I know loses important data in the same way...

    Back to the discussion of the problem, I don't see any "Resume Editing" button on any of the partial/empty records that were saved. Where is it supposed to show up? Is this something I should be seeing in version 6.0.1? I see the regular "Edit" button in the lower right, but when I edit the record, my missing data is still not there.

    Also, sometimes (unfortunately yesterday, when I had the record full of non-test data for my new router) my record is completely GONE, and there isn't a partial record left in its place at all. I wish I had a specific test case to give you about that one, but all I know is that I had the data all entered in (list of fields in my first post) over the course of probably 10-15 minutes while I configured the router. After the Auto-Lock happened, that record is completely gone. There is no trace of it when I search for text (and expand the search to all fields) that I am 100% certain was in those fields.

  • @chadseld I think that "Resume Editing" would show up for existing items only. The new items should be saved (created) automatically during lock.

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