How can I remove myself from a vault and/or group?


I'm in charge of IT at my company and so I administer users on 1Password for Teams. Some members of our company store some logins in 1Password that I need to not have access to, for IRS reasons. How do I remove myself from a team or vault? It currently gives me an error, but the documentation seems to indicate I ought to be able to remove myself from at least a group (and thus limit access that way): "If any group member removes themselves from the group, another member of that group will need to reinstate them."

1Password Version: Teams Beta
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:remove myself


  • rob

    Hi, @kelsey_shi, and welcome to our forum!

    Good catch there. It looks like our documentation is wrong. You cannot currently remove yourself from a vault or group, but you can have another person who manages the vault or group remove you. I'm sorry for the confusion, and I'll see if I can get that document updated.

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