Can I link between my work database and my family database using the families plan?

Community Member

Work: 1Password for Mac v4.x.x, OSX 10.9.5, Android Nexus 5x with 1Password v6.1.b3, Sync to Dropbox
Home: 1Password for Mac V4.4.3, OSX 10.9.5, sync to Google Drive (can be moved to Dropbox if necessary.)
If we change over to the Families plan at home but we stay on the individual product at work, can I access both the home and work databases through the families plan? I would need to set permissions so my wife cannot get to the work DB.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Can I link between my work database and my family database using the families plan?


  • nathanvf
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @auc,

    Thanks very much for your question.

    You can have a mixture of the old style of 1Password vaults (individual as you say, but we call Personal now) and any number of Family or Team accounts. The clients for Mac and iOS were designed to play nicely with a mixture of both.

    Though keep in mind you have to upgrade to 1Password 6.x (well the latest, which is currently 6.0.2). Which I don't believe you can until you upgrade your Mac OS X versions to 10.10.x because that is the minimum working requirements. I imagine that's why you're held back with version 4.x?

    Hope this helps.

  • auc
    Community Member

    So I want to be sure I understand correctly. i can upgrade at work no problem. I can upgrade my iMac at home. my wife cannot upgrade her MacBook Air (not enough memory). Is there a way that I can share the vault from Work and the vault from home on my machines and my android phone and my wife can continue to use the old version of the program and the old home vault? If I can do this what are the limitations?

  • Jacob

    @auc Are you looking to use Families just for you then? Your wife wouldn't need to be on the account at all if her operating system is too old to use it. There is indeed a way to share things across all those devices, and it'd be using Dropbox rather than Families. That's entirely up to you, though. If you don't need to share anything with your wife, she can continue using the old home vault on her computer autonomously and you can use a Families account. Once she gets a newer computer, you can both use the account. :)

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