Password Generator - Special requirements automatically

Community Member
edited February 2016 in Mac


I've been using the password generator and frequently find myself copy/pasting the generated password into a text editor and manually filling in the requirements for certain websites. I think it would be great if 1password could automagically know what the requirements for a certain site are (magic...I know). At least for certain major sites like bank websites, I think it's doable.

For example, for a new chase password I use the password generator and then have to manually ensure that:

  • At least one special character from the following: # $ % ' ^ , ( ) * + . : | = ? @ / ] [ _ ` { } \ ! ; - ~
  • Must not include more than 2 identical characters (for example: 111 or aaa)
  • Must not include more than 2 consecutive characters (for example: 123 or abc)

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi diego898,

    Unfortunately there is no way for 1Password to know the specific requirements for each password. When I encounter this issue, I set the password generator settings to as close as I can (e.g. a few numbers and few special characters), and then regenerate passwords until I arrive at one which meets the remaining requirements.

    If you do it this way, you gain the added benefit of saving the generated password in 1Password automatically, so you will have no problems if you forget to add it later. Also, beware of pasting passwords in to TextEdit as new documents are automatically shared unencrypted in your iCloud by default.

  • diego898
    Community Member

    Thanks chadseld. I was just thinking it might be worth supporting some known huge sites link banks, etc. Also thanks for the textedit warning!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    We're pretty busy improving 1Password's login filling with various websites — and I think that's something we use 1Password for much more frequently than we change passwords. Definitely an interesting idea though. Thanks for the suggestion! :)

  • jsmith1750
    Community Member

    It would be nice to be able to select characters to use in the password generator. Several government agencies restrict special characters.
    Ie. - contain at least one of the following special characters: # @ $ % ^ ! * + = _

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @jsmith1750,

    Thanks for taking the time to let us know! We don't want to make the password generator too confusing by adding lots of additional settings, but perhaps we'll be able to make some improvements in future versions that will be helpful for you. For now, you can disable symbols in the password generator if a certain site won't accept them at all. Or if some symbols are accepted but others aren't, you might want to try Chad's suggestion (above) to regenerate a password until you get one that will work. Please also keep in mind that you can manually edit a password in the generator before using it - just click somewhere in the generated password field, and you'll be able to remove or replace symbols that can't be used on a website.

    If you need anything else, just let us know! :)

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