How can I transfer all my data from iOS Lockbox Pro to iOS 1Password?
I have 1Passowrd and want to use it as my main password vault. But I have a lot of data in Lockbox Pro, and it's going to be a big hassle to transfer it manually. This is preventing me from using 1Password, and frankly, from buying it for my OSX computers for me and my entire family. How can I do this easily? Lockbox Pro is not on your list of supported transfer formats.
1Password Version: 6.2.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iOS 9.2.1
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb-search:Import, kb:import
@mclarenm - You will want to do the conversion on a desktop machine, but if you are avoiding the Mac version until you are satisfied, do be aware that there is a 30 day full featured trial, which should give you the time you need to make a decision.
There is a dedicated fellow user who has developed a suite of conversion utilities to help new users make your transition. I don't know whether he has one for Lockbox Pro, but you can begin to learn about the converters at the beginning of the thread that @MrC posted about his converters. You can access that thread directly at this link. he is very helpful to others making the switch to 1Password.
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@mclarenm: Indeed, iOS apps can't access arbitrary data, so it will be necessary to do this using a computer. And @MrC 's converter can be a big help when it comes to automating the process of getting exported data into a usable form for import into 1Password. Be sure to let us know if you have any questions!