More sync conduits please...

Community Member

While it's great that 1password supports icloud and dropbox, it would be great if it supported other methods, such as google drive, microsoft one drive, bittorrent sync, etc. Are there any plans to support more types of syncing? Or is the new focus of 1password on the software as a service model?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Ben
    edited May 2016

    Hi @lagreca,

    Thanks for taking the time to write in. At the moment much of our focus is on our 1Password for Teams and 1Password for Families services. We also recently implemented CloudKit JS syncing in 1Password for Mac, such that 1Password for Mac purchased from our web store can sync with iCloud. Along with that we plan to publish much of our code so that other developers can do the same:

    AgileBits Blog | AgileCloudSDK: iCloud Sync Gets Its Wings

    We've received a lot of requests to add other sync services (particularly Google Drive from Android folks and OneDrive from Windows folks). We haven't ruled these out as possible options for the future, but currently we're working to make Teams & Families the best they can be. :)


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