Families Passwords Sharing but not revealing

Community Member

With Families account is there a way or can there be a way for me to share but not reveal the password. i want my kidst ohave access to passwords for netflix /hulu etc but not actually know the poassword

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  • Hey @fuadar! That's a good question. If they weren't able to reveal it, the only way they could use it would be to fill it directly in a browser. They wouldn't be able to copy it on a mobile device to use Netflix or Hulu there, which is a bit of a limitation. However, this permission control is something we have in Teams, since it's a bit more advanced. If it's something you absolutely must have, Teams may be a bit overkill for that. I'm curious: Why would you not like your kids to know the passwords?

  • fuadar
    Community Member

    i only need it for browser based access in most cases. I've got kids that i dont think are ready to accept responsibility of managing or not sharing passwords with friends. The goal is to only use a passwords when i allow them to use it and since they dont know the passwords , when i take it away i dont have to change the password.

  • Aleen
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for letting us know, @fuadar! I can totally understand where you're coming from and will pass your feedback on :)

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