Change Phone

Community Member


Im going to change my phone. I have a Nexus 5 with Android 6.0 and Im going to buy a Nexus 6P. I have 1password premiun.

I want to know how I could move all the passwords that i have in my phone now to the new?


1Password Version: 6.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Android 6.0.1
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @fedeviso: You can copy the vault over manually from the local storage, but an easier option is to sync it using Dropbox. Are you already syncing with other devices?

  • fedeviso
    Community Member

    Hi @brenty thanks for your help.

    But I think I have a problem with the Settings in SYNC. Because when Im in SYNC I cant choose Dropbox.

    I had 1password for a long time, but I created my user in dropbox yesterday.

    Now if I off the "Folder Sync" and then put in ON I dont see the option to use Dropbox.

    If I want to copy the vault manually, what files I need to copy and where I need to put in the new phone?

    But I would like to do with Dropbox.

    Thanks a lot! And sorry for my English, Im from Argentina and I speak Spanish.

  • Hey @fedeviso. In 1Password for Android, you can configure any supported sync solution you prefer, but once you've configured sync, it's not possible to change it without resetting or reinstalling the app.

    That said, you can certainly move your locally synced vault to Dropbox. Once you've done so, just tap Settings > Apps > 1Password > Storage > Clear Data to reset the app to configure sync with Dropbox. :)

    Let us know how that goes!

  • fedeviso
    Community Member

    Thanks a lot @peri !!! You save me!!! I love this app, help me a lot!
    It work's perfect. Now I have sync with Dropbox

  • No problem, @fedeviso! I'm so glad to hear that did the trick. :)

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