Choose a login without an URL


I have a lot of websites for which I have multiple logins (e.g. business and private) or for which I have multiple test accounts (as a developer)
To speed up my logins and shorten the list of found logins I do not store a URL with all of my logins.

1. When I press the shortcut to open the 1Password Extension only the items with the matching URL are shown.
2. Now I search for all of my logins which will list me all logins even those without a matching URL.

3a. I choose a login without an URL
4a. I press enter
5a. Nothing happens

3b. I choose a login without a matching URL but with another URL
4b. I press enter
5b. A new tab opens to load the corresponding URL and enter the login data

Maybe the B-path is wanted behaviour, but the A-path should fill-in the login data.
It would be very very very great to be able to choose at least logins without any URL and to automatically fill-in these data.

1Password Version: 6.1 (610005)
Extension Version:
OS Version: OS X 10.11.3
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @lspcity. Thanks for your post. I can say pretty categorically that this is not something we will make possible. 1Password matches the URL of the page you're trying to fill to the URLs of the items you've stored in order to determine whether the fill should be allowed. This is part of how 1Password protects you from phishing attacks.

    In scenario a above, the reason that nothing happens when you press return is because it is looking for a URL to open, the b scenario. In the b scenario, by choosing the login from the search result, you're asking 1Password to open that page and fill in the credentials.

    If you want to use one item as a generic username and password combination for these test accounts, you're limited to one of two options: 1) Add the various URLs to the login so that that item is offered on them all or 2) use copy and paste from the item for filling the details on these test sites.

    I'm sorry I don't have better news for you, but I hope you can understand why we've made the decisions we've made. Let us know if you have any other questions.

    Jamie Phelps
    Code Wrangler @ AgileBits

  • lspcity
    Community Member

    Hi @jxpx777,

    thanks for your reply.
    In that case I want to request 2 improvements to get a better workflow of using passwords with 1Password:

    1. Currently you support Cmd + Shift + C to copy the password into the clipboard. Why do you not also support copying the username in such a way? Please add a shortcut to directly copy the username.

    2. You support anchoring a specific item. which is on top of all windows. The shortcut is Cmd + O. However this works only if you select the wanted item and press arrow-right to open the detail view. Please support this shortcut (or a similar one) directly in the list without an additional key press.

    I'm heavily using my keyboard and dislike moving my hand from the keyboard to my mouse and back ;-)

  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    I definitely understand what you're after. I'm not sure if or when we'll get to make those improvements, but thanks for letting us know about how this could be useful for you.

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