Multiple Fill Ins in Browser Tabs


Daily I am logging into multiple email accounts in webmail.
So I am opening tab by tab and fill out the login credentials.
Is there a way that 1Password can do that for me?
I have a dedicated browser for that. In this case Firefox for Mac, but can be any browser.
Thank you,

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @Frans. I think a open and fill will be just what you're looking for.

    If Firefox is your default browser, you can locate and select the items in 1Password and then double click the list with all of them selected. They should all open in Firefox and log you in automatically. To make this faster, you can add a tag to the items such as "Webmail". Select that tag in the sidebar, select all the entries, and then double click.

    If Firefox is not your default browser, you'll need to create a bookmark folder in Firefox and populate it with 1Click Bookmarks for these sites. Then, you can use Firefox's "Open All in Tabs" to open all of the sites in tabs at once.

    This will actually work best in Firefox because 1Password can even submit the form in the background tabs for you, which 1Password cannot do in other browsers due to a long-standing bug in WebKit, the engine that powers Safari and Chrome.

    One tiny caveat is to make sure that the first URL that you have stored in each of these items is for the exact login page. For instance, if you're logging into Hotmail, the sign in URL is actually Similarly, Yahoo asks you to log in on By having the exact login URL first in the item, 1Password will be able to open the page, see the login form, and log you in right away.

    I hope that helps!

    Jamie Phelps
    Code Wrangler @ AgileBits

  • Frans
    Community Member

    Hello Jamie, and thank you very much for your elaborated response.
    Will try this weekend and surely will succeed.
    Best regards,

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Let us know how you get along @Frans :smile:

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