New Feature Suggestion - "Auto User Name"


When I create a new password on a website or similar I often have to create a use name, 80% of the time it wants my email. Perhaps 1 Password could prompt to enter my email while generating the password. If I don't want my email, I use one of two or three others - by scanning the username on the existing passwords you could suggest one to use in descending order of most used.

1Password Version: 6.1 and IOS version Latest
Extension Version: 4.5.3
OS Version: OS X 10.11.3
Sync Type: DropBox
Referrer: forum-search:New Feature Suggestion


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @uShant,

    It's an interesting idea. Scanning your existing Login items and sorting by frequency should be easy enough and that would get you say the top three used usernames, which could easily include an email address if you tend to use the same one everywhere. I think the tricky part would be making sure 1Password was only doing something in the right circumstances as the Password Generator isn't used just when registering for a new site. We'd want to make sure false positives didn't kill the idea by annoying people.

    1Password for iOS is a different matter. In 1Password for Mac and Windows the extension is always active which is what allows 1Password to ask if you want to save a Login item. Due to security restrictions things are a lot more passive and bolted down in iOS and you can't access a Password Generator from inside the extension. It might be something we can improve on but currently if such a feature stood a chance it would likely be on the Mac and Windows only and it would be dependent on the client and not the extension. The reason is the extension currently performs a very specific service, it acts as a conduit between 1Password mini/helper and the browser and only that. It is entirely likely such a feature request wouldn't require any change on the extension's part because we simply do as 1Password tells us to and if 1Password was to say fill the username field of this form with this email address that's what the extension does.

    It will be interesting to see the popularity of your request, is this something a lot of people want to see happen? If it is it certainly helps it's chances as we do look at demand when considering the large number of feature requests that we get :smile:

  • gael
    Community Member

    I was about to write a similar request !
    Web sites often require us to input a user name when signing up...when creating a password (from the browser) 1password should create an identifier instead of a password and could either pick the username in the form or suggest completions (using emails already used as identifier or most frequent identifiers).

    Thanks for the amazing work !

  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    I'm still thinking that filling an Identity is the way to go here. It has fields for email address and username. It's possible to have multiple Identity items as well and choose among them for different purposes. That would be my recommendation. I hope it helps!

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