Sharing for Teams


Hi 1Password,

We're currently looking very strongly at 1Password for Teams as our new password management tool.
We currently use a system called Passpack and we have 150 users that we will need to onboard if we make the transition to 1Password for Teams.

However there are two problems that make this a bit difficult for us.

  1. We're unable to share passwords 1-1 directly inside the 1Password for Teams Web App.
  2. When you do share 1Password for teams to a gmail account the link isn't hyperlinked and coping and pasting doesn't work.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Jacob

    Hey @alister_rutter! I'm glad to hear you're interested in Teams. :) We are definitely planning to add a way to share individual items. This thread has a bit of discussion on how it might work, and we're still working on a specific solution for things. There's a lot of interest in it, so I expect it will come along soon.

    When you do share 1Password for teams to a gmail account the link isn't hyperlinked and coping and pasting doesn't work.

    I'd be happy to look into what's going on here. How are you sharing things? Are you copying and pasting the link from your browser or are you sharing it from the app? Feel free to go into detail about reproducing it and we'll do our best to find out what's happening. :)

    ref: B5-1199

  • alister_rutter
    Community Member
    edited March 2016
    1. go into the 1Password Version 6.1 application
    2. Go to the item you want to share and share via Mail (I have tried sending via Thunderbird to a gmail account and sending via the Gmail web client)
    3. Go to your Gmail account and the link appears like this. [Removed by AgileBits Support, for your privacy]
    4. If you copy and paste the link in chrome you land on a search page that states "Your search - onepassword://share/1?d=U2FsdGVkX18XCaFczvcO8lSQYc ... - did not match any documents."
  • Jacob

    @alister_rutter We removed the image you posted since that link you share for the item is not encrypted. It does seem that there's an issue here, and it's not possible to make those links clickable. Email systems make non-HTTP links unclickable for the user's protection. Sorry about that! As a workaround, just copy and paste the link, or use an email client. :) Things will get much better with individual item sharing in Teams, though. There won't be a link like this. Hopefully we have that available for you soon.

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