Inability to add custom fields to entry using the teams web interface

Community Member

We are trialling the 1password for teams beta at our company, but have run into a missing feature in the web interface. When editing a server entry (or any entry for that matter) its not possible to add new custom fields. Existing fields can be deleted or changed, but new fields can't be added.
Unfortunately, using the desktop application is not an option as a number of our users are on various Linux distributions. Running the Windows app in wine was considered, but this doesn't seem to support the teams functionality yet.
When would we expect to have more feature parity between the web and Mac versions of 1password for teams?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Jacob

    Hi @henrys! That's a great question. Since these are more of a power user feature, they weren't in the initial beta, but we do have them charted to be done by the first stable release. We post each beta's changelog at the top of this forum, so I recommend keeping an eye on it. Thanks for checking in. :)

    ref: B5-650

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