Prioritising logins (feature request)

Community Member

something that frustrates me using 1password mini is that my main email account is always hidden "below the fold".

I'd like to be able to indicate the order of logins shown or for 1password to work out which is most frequently used.
The main issue is with Gmail. I've got several accounts (admin at the company). I can never get my main one to show as the first option.
So signing in to my email requires lots of clicks — I'd like to be able to sign in with as little clicking and typing as possible.

1Password Version: Not Provided
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  • Hi @iJemz,

    Thanks for writing in. The ordering of items in mini should take into account favorites, so if you favorite the account that likes to show below the fold, it should come up to the top.

    Hope this helps.


  • iJemz
    Community Member


    I removed all the urls of the less-used logins, which helped a bit but my number one is still not first on the list.

    I think what was happening was that the less important emails had been saved with a URL that started with //accounts....
    Whereas my preferred emails were starting with //

    So even though the were Favorites they were below the URLs starting with "a".


  • @iJemz Are all the items you're working with Favorites, or did you only make one a favorite so it would float to the top? I just tested things out with my Google accounts and didn't notice what you mentioned on the URL. Things were simply sorted by Favorite status, then by title from A-Z. Is that not what you're seeing?

  • iJemz
    Community Member

    Thanks for the responses.

    Here's a screen clip of it.

    Personal and work are favorited.
    I'd prefer work to be at the top (that's why I gave it 01).

    Both personal and work have the same URL.
    Personal email starts with a "t"
    Work starts with a "j".

    It's all rather odd.

    ( "")

  • iJemz
    Community Member
    edited March 2016

    It's done it again!

    Perhaps it has something to do with right-clicking in the password field.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @iJemz,

    Thank you for all the screenshots!

    In your first screenshot from earlier today, the 5 items that are shown appear to be in the right order (alphabetical, with numbers listed first). After clicking on 'Show 4 more items', those additional items (from the second screenshot) appear in an unexpected order because the '02...' Login item is listed before '01...'.

    I have an idea about why that's happening, and my guess is that the first 5 items have the same URL (domain & subdomain), and the next 4 items have different subdomains (different from the first 5, and perhaps different from each other). If you find all 9 of those items in the main 1Password app, what is the exact URL for each one? If some of them have different subdomains, that should explain what you're seeing in 1Password mini. (For example, and have different subdomains.)

    That behavior can be changed with a setting: From the main 1Password app, go to 1Password > Preferences in the menu bar, then click the Browser tab. Is the setting for Lenient URL matching enabled or disabled? If it's disabled, click the box next to it to enable it (it should have a check mark). Now go back to the Google sign-in page from your screenshots, and open the 1Password extension again. Is there a difference in the order this time?

  • puffmoike
    Community Member

    I have a identical (or at least very similar) problem / feature request.

    Trying to login to Squarespace:

    • The first login displayed is an item in a shared vault (and belongs to a team member which I have no recollection of ever using).
    • The second item displayed is my own login, in my Primary vault, which is favourited, and which I use multiple times per week
    • Remainder are mostly in my own vault (longtime user - I added these before I convinced the business to start sharing vaults and now intending to use Teams but I don't think it has been implemented) and a few in shared vaults, apparently organised alphabetically.

    Reading Drew's last comment the first two both have similar URLs: and respectively, whereas most of the remainder have a subdomain of squarespace (which is very common with squarespace)

    Today I inadvertently logged in using the first login details. #firstworldproblem but I'm used to 1P working seamlessly, and this isn't seamless. At a minimum I should be able to nominate a preferred login. Someone clever than me could probably work out a complex algorithm which ordered the list based on most used, most recently used, favourited, etc that might automatically give people the 'right' login most of the time. Whilst I might be technically able to alter the website URLs associated with each site to change the order that they appeared in I don't think it would be good form to change what is essentially somebody's personal login (even though it is shared) just so that it suited my circumstances (because obviously I could then end up in a constant battle with another power 1P user!)

    Obviously this will be an increasingly important little UX problem as more users share vaults and use Family, Teams, etc.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @puffmoike,

    I’m not sure how closely you were monitoring the previous thread, but I have two already existing features that might help you avoid this issue.

    The first login displayed is an item in a shared vault (and belongs to a team member which I have no recollection of ever using).

    All Vaults is the unified view of all your vaults in 1Password. By default, 1Password will unlock to this view to ensure that you can see all of your information, no matter which vault it is in. However, All Vaults doesn’t have to mean all vaults. You can customize which vaults are shown in the All Vaults view in 1Password’s Preferences > All Vaults. Just uncheck the shared vaults that you don’t use on a daily basis. You can still access these vaults using the vault switcher (or your ⌘[vault #] keyboard shortcut), but this way those shared items won’t be cluttering up the list of items that you use regularly.

    At a minimum I should be able to nominate a preferred login.

    As it happens, you can. In the main 1Password app, you’ll see a star underneath the title of your item (in the details view). Click this to mark it as a Favourite.

    Favourited items will appear at the top of the list in 1Password mini.

    I hope this helps!

  • puffmoike
    Community Member

    Hi Megan,

    The thing is the only Squarespace login I have favourited does not appear at the top of the list in 1P Mini (as seen in my original screengrab).

    Does this suggest that favourited items only appear before items within the same particular vault?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    The thing is the only Squarespace login I have favourited does not appear at the top of the list in 1P Mini (as seen in my original screen grab).

    @puffmoike: If the URL doesn't match the current page, closer matches will be displayed first.

    Does this suggest that favourited items only appear before items within the same particular vault?

    If you have Vault A selected and your login is in Vault C, you shouldn't see it show up even in a search. You can use All Vaults if you want to search or have 1Password list logins across different vaults. Cheers! :)

  • puffmoike
    Community Member

    If the URL doesn't match the current page, closer matches will be displayed first.

    @brenty: okay, that seems to make sense. I'm going to change my standard squarespace login to https (rather than just http) which I suspect should solve my particular situation for the most part.

    FWIW this seems to contradict what @penderworth wrote above (or at least how I understood it)

    Are all the items you're working with Favorites, or did you only make one a favorite so it would float to the top? I just tested things out with my Google accounts and didn't notice what you mentioned on the URL. Things were simply sorted by Favorite status, then by title from A-Z. Is that not what you're seeing?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @puffmoike: Sorry for the confusion. I'm sure that at least half of it is mine! :tongue:

    So, there are two things to consider with URL matching (okay, really there are a lot more, but for the purposes of our discussion here...): Favorites and subdomains (unless you've enabled "Allow filling on pages that closely match saved websites" in Preferences > Browsers — then you can ignore what follows).

    If you're on a page that matches only the naked domain (e.g., you won't be offered logins that don't also match the subdomain above the fold, including Favorites. These will all be hidden under "Show X more items", and exact matches will be shown at the top.

    If you're on a pages that matches the subdomain as well (e.g., you'll see the appropriate Favorites at the very top followed by other, non-Favorite subdomain matches.

    Hopefully that makes sense. This is always a fun but psychically taxing topic to discuss! :lol:

  • puffmoike
    Community Member
    edited June 2016

    @Megan wrote:

    All Vaults is the unified view of all your vaults in 1Password. By default, 1Password will unlock to this view to ensure that you can see all of your information, no matter which vault it is in. However, All Vaults doesn’t have to mean all vaults. You can customize which vaults are shown in the All Vaults view in 1Password’s Preferences > All Vaults. Just uncheck the shared vaults that you don’t use on a daily basis. You can still access these vaults using the vault switcher (or your ⌘[vault #] keyboard shortcut), but this way those shared items won’t be cluttering up the list of items that you use regularly.

    I think this is touching on useful functionality, but it's a horrible hack.

    I followed Megan's advice. But then when I went to login to a site using 1P Mini a few days later I realised I had inadvertently hidden the login I needed. So then I went back into the main 1P app and couldn't find the right login. Only then I realised I had to go back into Preferences just so that I could view all the login details in 1P. I wasn't completely befuddled, but it was just a series of momentary head-scratching moments, that felt very un-1Password.

    I'm not suggesting this is a trivial problem to solve, but I feel like there is a better way, and Agile Bits is clever enough to find a better solution. What follows is my quick thoughts…

    Conceptual background

    I want 1P Mini to do have a different focus than the primary app. I want 1P Mini to be fast & seamless. I want it to fill in my details and then get the hell out of my way. I want it to prioritise logins that are mine, or those that I use regularly.

    Conversely if I am using the app proper then I want power. I want immediate access to everything, without having to go and uncheck boxes in my preferences first. Speed isn't an issue. (On a related note anything called "All Vaults" should always include all vaults. Always. It's so self-evident I can't believe I am even typing this!)

    Possible Implementation

    Having the ability to limit what is shown / accessed in 1P Mini would be really useful (which Agile Bits seems to have recognised by allowing "All Vaults" to show something other than all vaults according to user preferences). So in addition to All Vaults and the individual vaults give me something like My Vault + Favourites (which combines everything in my personal vault + everything that I have favourited from other vaults). And let me make that my default vault for 1P Mini. And no, I don't can't think of a snappier name at the moment.

    Obviously I haven't had a chance to talk this through with anybody, so there may be holes in my thinking, but at the moment I'm convinced that this would be an excellent (and not difficult to understand) addition to 1P's functionality.

    Why it's important

    As I alluded to above as the product now needs to work well for people in teams sharing login details, and this is just not a good user experience. I've loved and evangelised 1P for years. But now that I'm using it with a team (and, to be fair, with sites that make extensive use of subdomains like InfusionSoft and Squarespace) I'm finding it quite frustrating.

  • nmott
    1Password Alumni

    First, thanks for the detailed response! It's always good to know how we can improve 1Password for our customers.

    I just want to address one thing:

    I followed Megan's advice. But then when I went to login to a site using 1P Mini a few days later I realised I had inadvertently hidden the login I needed. So then I went back into the main 1P app and couldn't find the right login. Only then I realised I had to go back into Preferences just so that I could view all the login details in 1P. I wasn't completely befuddled, but it was just a series of momentary head-scratching moments, that felt very un-1Password.

    You shouldn't have had to do this. Like Megan said, you can view different vaults using keyboard shortcuts (Command + the number assigned to the vault) or by clicking on All Vaults to see a list of the other vaults to which you have access. If you know that a login is in a specific vault, and you sometimes need that login but don't want it displayed all the time, this makes it easier to find it when needed.

    Besides that, we appreciate your feedback. Thanks again for typing up such a well thought out message :)

  • puffmoike
    Community Member

    You shouldn't have had to do this. Like Megan said, you can view different vaults using keyboard shortcuts (Command + the number assigned to the vault) or by clicking on All Vaults to see a list of the other vaults to which you have access. If you know that a login is in a specific vault, and you sometimes need that login but don't want it displayed all the time, this makes it easier to find it when needed.

    I realise this. But I'm the sort of person who happily spends ten minutes setting something up so that I can save a second down the track (especially when I know I'll save that second again and again and again - the other app I evangelise is Keyboard Maestro, for precisely this reason). When I'm filling a login form I don't want to have to think about what vault something is in (and what the shortcut of that vault is). I just want to get into the site.

    Regardless I maintain that being able to 'switch off' some vaults in All Vaults is a sure sign that the app isn't as intuitive as it should be. It's a hard problem that you're trying to solve, and it does a great job most of the time. But to me this is a sign that you haven't cracked it.

    And I think it comes back to what is appropriate for 1P 'proper' isn't necessarily right for 1P Mini. The user is in a completely different headspace when they are using these two different apps, and at the moment I don't think the Mini UX adequately reflects this.

    For my usage (and I suspect lots of other users, including other contributors to this thread) if the app prioritised Favourites over subdomain matching that would probably go most of the way to making the app do what I intuitively expect it to do.

  • nmott
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2016

    Understood, @puffmoike, and thanks again for the feedback. I've let our devs know this is something you're interested in :)

    ref: OPM-1626

This discussion has been closed.