web site not working with 1Password; Synapse not working for reporting it either


When I try to log in to using 1Password, nothing happens. It doesn't fill the form or appear to do anything. I'm pretty sure I generated and saved the password with 1Password; it's just not filling the form.

I also tried reporting this through Synapse, but Synapse told me i needed to make sure I was using 1Password Mini and the browser extension (I was), that I tried to log in first (I did), and that I was on the latest version (I just updated before trying again). So I'm reporting the problem here.

Every other website works great, just has never worked for me.


1Password Version: 6.1 (610005)
Extension Version:
OS Version: 10.11.3
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: kb:report-website


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @chrismaddocks,

    You're quite right, we have trouble here and I find I can't even save a Login item from inside Chrome on either Windows or OS X. Now when I used a small code snippet to see how many non-hidden input fields were on the page it said there were over one thousand so I'm wondering if 1Password is simply overloaded and doesn't know how to handle such a large page. It's just a theory but I don't think I've seen a login page with anywhere near that number of fields and it's a byproduct of the login window appearing on top of the page that handles your entire tax form.

    Now as you're a 1Password for Windows user there is a workaround that will work for you.

    1. Open 1Password for Windows and create a new Login item from inside the main 1Password window. 1Password will say this isn't a good idea - ignore the warning as on this occasion we know doing so from inside the browser isn't going to work.
    2. Title the new Login item accordingly and enter your username (which will be your email address) and password. For the URL use
    3. Save the Login item and then edit it to bring up the full range of options.
    4. Tick the checkbox for the option titled Use Auto-Type in web browser and save.
    5. Visit and navigate to the point where you can bring up the login window.
    6. Make sure keyboard focus is on the field titled Email and then try to fill using the Login item you created above.

    So why does this work? We're using 1Password for Window's Auto-Type feature to bypass the massive form and the filling behaviour that we know is breaking down. Instead 1Password will type your username into the field that has focus, use the tab key to move to the next field and then type your password and it can do all of this without knowing where it is because of Auto-Type, a very cool Windows feature. It's something Windows has the Mac doesn't so you have an advantage over me here.

    Please let us know how you get along and if this works as well for you as it has for me during my testing.

    ref: OPX-1132

  • chrismaddocks
    Community Member

    Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately, I don't use the 1Password for Windows app anymore—I've gone Mac-only in my workflow. Fortunately for all of us, filing taxes only happens once a year, so I am good with copying and pasting.


  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2016

    Thanks for your gracious reply, @chrismaddocks. I looked at this just now, and I have some good news I think. First, I was able to save a new login for SimpleTax in Safari. The other good news is that filling does appear to work.

    The bad news is that it looks like the filling takes ages. I clicked on the Returning? Log In button and saved the login manually. Then I refreshed the page and clicked the button again. I clicked the 1Password button in Safari and chose the SimpleTax login. I didn't see anything happen so I clicked away to check the logs in Console and other basic investigating. When I came back, though, the email and password were populated. So, I refreshed the page and tried again and just sat watching it. After about 3 seconds, the details did indeed fill in. So, it appears that the filling itself is successful, but our way of presenting that to you is pretty awful, so awful in fact that it looks like total failure when in reality, it's just crazy slow. I have one idea to make this better pretty easily but beyond this, @littlebobbytables's finding of loads of fields in this page does seem to be the problem and as 1Password restores those fields, the filling is slowed down. So, if you create a new login in 1Password itself without using the browser extension, filling should work much better because it won't be trying to fill scads of other fields that aren't exactly related to the login form.

    Now, Chrome is a slightly different issue. In testing it out, here's what I see. We get as far as collecting the details of the page and attempting to send it across the WebSocket connection to 1Password mini. But, this is where things fall apart for Chrome. We attempt to send the message and then I see this:

    [AGENT] Sending 1576571 bytes: [{"action":"collectDocumentResults"
    […snip crazy long long message…]
    [AGENT] Message sent for <collectDocumentResults>
    [AGENT] default close event handler with code <1006> and reason <> received: [object CloseEvent]

    So, it appears that Chrome is not well equipped to deal with a 1.5MB+ message across a WebSocket. I'm honestly not sure what the answer to this is in our current codebase, but we are investigating other ways for 1Password to communicate with the browser, and I think this will be fuel for that discussion as well.

    Thanks again for the report. Let us know if we can help with anything else.

    Jamie Phelps
    Code Wrangler @ AgileBits

    ref: OPX-1150
    ref: BRAIN-134

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