If we sign up for 1password for teams...but later decide to downgrade, would that present a issue?

Community Member

If we sign up for 1password Beta for teams...but later decide to downgrade, would that present a issue?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:If we sign up for 1password for teams...but later decide to downgrade, would that present a issue?


  • Jacob

    Hey @yonni! Thanks for the interest in Teams. :) There shouldn't be any issues if you decide to use the standalone 1Password apps. You can just move your data to a local vault and remove your Teams account to continue using things if you'd like. I'm curious about why you think you may not go with Teams, though. What features are you excited about in it, and what makes you a bit weary?

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