Please add an option to the the usage of secure storage

Community Member


Could you please add an indicator somewhere so that we can see how much secure storage is already used? And how much is left available? (Families) That would be a very very important feature to me :) Also When I delete a document and its in the trash does the storage space than still count as used? Or will it made available again?

Timo :)

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @ntimo: I can't say when we might be able to add that, but that would certainly be helpful, wouldn't it? :)

    If you have data in the Trash, it's still part of your vault (and therefore your account), so it will count toward the storage total. After all, if you're like me at all, you'll probably find yourself needing to pull something out of there from time to time (oops!) ;)

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