Unable login DFAS

Community Member

Unable to login to MYPAY DFAS (Military pay site)
In 1password. Able to login using web. http://MYPAY.dfas.mil


  • Rad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dan4846,

    Thanks so much for taking the time to write in and for sending us the exact URL of the site. :+1: This helped a lot.

    I just created a "dummy" 1Password login for the site in questions and it filled alright in 1Browser, Safari and in third party browsers.

    However, during my testing I noticed that we I went to http://MYPAY.dfas.mil, I was being redirected to https://mypay.dfas.mil/mypay.aspx. I also noticed that autofill does not work when the Login's website is http://MYPAY.dfas.mil, but it does when it is https://mypay.dfas.mil/mypay.aspx. So please try and change the login's website to https://mypay.dfas.mil/mypay.aspx.

    Please let me know if this helps.


  • dan4846
    Community Member

    Actually I was trying to launch it from your app. What happens is that I get into request for password screen then it immediately exits me from the system. But using SAFARI I get access. I assume it is a security feature of DFAS.

    ANOTHER PROBLEM: From CHASE.com when logging on my iPad I get a message to upgrade my browser to access CHASE.com. If I redo the login a couple of times I get in. Not sure why,

    QUESTION: Are you working to allow us to be able to access 1password within an app such as Chase?

    Thank for all your hard work, love the app!

  • Ben

    Hi @dan4846,

    I regularly login to my Chase (credit card) account from my iPad without difficulty. Could you please let me know what URL you are logging in at?

    It is already possible for 1Password to be integrated into 3rd party apps, but those apps must add our extension (we have no way of adding ourselves). You can see a list of apps that support this integration here:

    AgileBits Blog | Apps ❤ 1Password

    You can see how to use the integration here:

    Log in to another app | 1Password for iOS

    I hope that helps!


  • dan4846
    Community Member


    Took a screenshot but can't figure out how to add it.

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    If the URL shows what you are wanting to show, great. But if you do want to post the screenshot, just drag the image into the comment box while you are composing your post. After a moment, and complex URL will show in your comment where the image will appear. Finish your post and clock Post Comment. Your image will show up where it's supposed to be.

    Another way is to use the page icon at the far right above the comment box. Click it's down arrow and drop the image in the resulting box.

  • Ben


    This is the page I use without difficulty:

    Chase Online - Logon

    Now, granted, I use Safari with the 1Password extension:

    Enable the extension | 1Password for iOS

    You may have different results with 1Browser.


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