Very very slow responding to my 1password login in chrome for mac

Community Member
edited March 2016 in Mac

As of late, every time I hit "⌘ - |" it takes a long to time log-in when I am typing my 1password password.

Is there a particular reason for this issue?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb-search:very slow google chrome mac


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @genedavid,

    I'm sorry you're running into a delay when trying to use the 1Password extension!

    In order to figure this out, we'll need to know a few more details about your setup and the problem:

    • What version of Mac OS X are you running?
    • What exact version of the 1Password app is installed on your Mac?
    • Are you using the Mac App Store or AgileBits Store version of 1Password?
    • What version of Chrome are you using?
    • What exact version of the 1Password extension is installed in Chrome?
    • What exactly do you see happen on the screen when you try to use the extension?
    • If you click on the extension instead of using the ⌘\ keyboard shortcut, does the same problem happen?
    • Does this happen every time you use the extension?
    • Do you have any trouble opening/unlocking the main 1Password app on your Mac? Or is the problem specific to the extension / 1Password mini?
    • If you reboot your Mac, do you still have the same problem, or does it seem to work better?

    Thanks in advance! :)

  • llink111
    Community Member

    I am having same issue. Ever since the last up (or the one before that) it's taking longer and longer every time i type in my master password before it recognizes it and unlocks. i still am on yosemit (10.10.5) and my 1password was purchased thru mac app store and is v6.1 (610006)
    i thought it was because i haven't upgraded yet.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @llink111,

    I'm sorry to hear you're also having this problem!

    To make sure I understand, does this happen only when unlocking 1Password from the browser extension or 1Password mini (i.e. the main app is fine)? And does it work correctly after the delay? If so, that sounds like a known issue our developers are looking into, and I apologize for the inconvenience. In most cases, restarting 1Password mini seems to help, at least temporarily: From the main 1Password app, go to Help > Troubleshooting > Restart 1Password mini.

    I hope that helps a bit while our developers work on solving this permanently. If you have more questions about that or need anything else, please let us know! :)

    ref: OPM-3829

  • jferrett
    Community Member

    I am having this issue too but on Safari. In fact ever since i updated from 1 Password 5 to 6 my whole system has been running very slow. I get the spinning beach ball a lot along especially when I am using 1 password. I am running the latest version of 1Password 6.1 (610005) with safari extension 4.5.5 on OS X 10.10.5

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @jferrett,

    Thanks for letting us know, and I'm sorry you're also having trouble with 1Password!

    I get the spinning beach ball a lot along especially when I am using 1 password.

    Do you mean you're often getting the spinning beach ball when using other apps as well? Or is this something that is only happening with 1Password? If other apps are also getting the spinning beach ball, that might be a different issue.

    Also, when exactly do you get the beach ball in 1Password? Our developers are currently working on an issue where a delay happens after entering the master password in 1Password mini or the browser extension. During that delay, the beach ball may appear for a period of time before it finally unlocks, but then it works correctly (at least until the next time you need to unlock it again). Is that the same problem you're running into?

    If so, you can try restarting 1Password mini, as that seems to help in most cases (at least temporarily). From the main 1Password app, go to Help > Troubleshooting > Restart 1Password mini.

    If you're having a different problem with 1Password, please let us know. Thanks! :)

  • llink111
    Community Member

    Hi, it happens from the main button and on every browser. i do want to note that i have not upgraded from yosemite yet and my macbook that is upgraded to el capitan has no problems. i also notice it's getting slower and slower and slower ...every time it increases and is a little slower. is this the bug the are working on?

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @llink111,

    My understanding is we're working on two bugs at the moment. One of them I believe is fixed in the 6.2 betas that we've been testing and the fix should be in the next released stable. There is another that we're still trying to pin down as we haven't found the cause yet. We're actually looking for people suffering from this bug and who are willing to run the beta.

    What Drew said should at least offer temporary relief by resetting 1Password mini to cause a fresh instance to be loaded.

    I'm hoping the new stable won't be long now and if after the next stable you're still seeing problems we'd be really grateful if you'd consider running the beta to help us understand what the cause is. As soon as we've managed to locate the issue I know the developers will be straight on it as it has been driving them nuts.

  • llink111
    Community Member

    You are right, when i kill the 1password mini, and then start it back up, it's fast as normal. but i guess since i don't reboot this machine except when i HAVE to, it's staying on all the time. let me know when problem is resolved :)

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2016

    Hi @llink111,

    I believe the next update to 1Password for Mac should fix one of these and either the App Store or 1Password itself should notify you when the update is available, fingers crossed it isn't too far away :smile:

    I'm old fashioned it seems as I fully shut down my Mac every night. It's one of the reasons I've never seen this issue. Simply a different preference, I'd say you're as likely to change your habits here as I am :tongue: The next version should help.

  • jferrett
    Community Member


    I have sort of solved the issue on mine. I un-installePassword and the browser extension. Then I reinstalled 1Password only and as long as I am not running 1Password mini, my system doesn't crash like it was before. the main 1Password window now takes an age to unlock but i can at least use my mac now.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @jferrett,

    Version 6.2 of 1Password for Mac is now out. We would very much like to know if you are still experiencing issues when running 1Password normally and leaving 1Password mini active. After all you don't want to have to jump through hoops when using 1Password and we don't want that either. We won't know though until we start getting reports of how 6.2 works for people that were experiencing issues with 6.1.

  • Snazawa
    Community Member

    I've had the same issue going on now for at least two months on my MBA running Yosemite. Sometimes it will hang for 10 seconds or more and I'll get the beachball. Was using the beta releases and switched to stable a couple of weeks ago. Still happening on both FF and Chrome. Just restarted mini and that seems to help temporarily. Looks like your team is looking into this and may be releasing a fix in the near future. Let me know if you'd like any more info.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Snazawa,

    Thanks for sharing your experiences here! We are indeed looking into a solution here, and our developers have a few ideas. If you are interested in helping us track this down, here’s what we’re looking for:

    • Update to the latest 1Password beta (in 1Password’s Preferences, check the option to ‘Include beta builds’ in the Updates panel.)
    • Be patient. You’ll likely see this issue in a few days.
    • When you do notice, send us a Diagnostics Report.

    If you’re not keen on being a beta tester right now, don’t worry. We’re working hard to get to the source of this bug so 1Password returns to its speedy self. :)

  • Snazawa
    Community Member

    Sounds good. I'll give the beta build a try once more and then report back in a few days and file my diagnostics report if it slows down.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Snazawa,

    Thanks so much! I hope that 1Password behaves perfectly for you, but we’ll keep an eye out for that Report, just in case. :)

This discussion has been closed.