Login/entry Alias between vaults

Community Member

I'm not sure if this would be technically possible, but it would be very nice to have the ability to alias a login/entry from one vault to another. For example I have two vaults: 'Purchasing Team' and 'Financial Accounts'. Purchasing has all of our vendors, etc. Financial Accounts has our bank and credit cards. I would like to have our credit card we use to purchase from vendors in the purchasing team vault, but it should also exist in the financial accounts vault. Duplicating it is of course an option, but maintaining multiple versions across multiple vaults with many people's hands in the system does not seem to scale well. For example if an login is updated through a browser extension, it might not occur to the user to search across all vaults to look to update the copy.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • walter_miller
    1Password Alumni

    Hi! Great question!

    There's no way to link or alias items in Teams. So your options are limited to two copies of the item, or creating a third 'Purchasing Team Financials' vault that has the credit cards.

    Unfortunately there's always a trade off between features and complexity. Linking to items has been discussed, but would make the UI much more confusing.

    But who knows what the future holds!

  • johg
    Community Member

    Yeah I understand this limitation; thanks for responding.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Another consideration is that different vaults need to be encrypted separately (for example, for sharing purposes) so it isn't technically possible to have items shared between them. But it's a problem that would be great to solve...provided we can find a solution that's technically feasible and doesn't introduce confusing complexity for the user. Thanks again for the feedback! :)

  • johg
    Community Member

    Yes, but doesn't the 'team' system know and maintain all of the vaults simultaneously? For example when I decrypt with my master pass, it will push new vaults and updates to me ... are you saying that even with this happening each vault is silo'd?

  • ssoroka
    1Password Alumni

    @johg essentially, yes. There are two constraints enforcing access to vaults you aren't a member of. 1) the server will not share vaults you don't have access to when you are not a member, and 2) you don't have the ability to decrypt vaults you are not a member of. Since it's the members that update the vault items and do the encryption (not the server), these two things make it impossible for you to update items in vaults you are not a member of.

    Maybe we can find a way around this eventually, like marking it as needing to be updated in other vaults and waiting until a team member logs in with read access to your vault and write access to the other vault, who can then do the update, but this is a rather large complication to introduce, so we'd have to consider this carefully.

    Thanks for the feedback, I'll continue to discuss this with the rest of the team!

  • johg
    Community Member

    ok I get it now; you're contemplating the scenario where the user does not have access to both vaults. I can understand why we wouldn't want a link between them. Thanks for considering the idea.

  • Ben

    Exactly. If the item is linked across vaults, and an individual who only has access to one of the vaults updates the item... well, that is the scenario that would make things fairly difficult at present.


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