"Shared" vault value

Community Member


we are building out team / product / org vaults: tech/product/finance/etc. What value is there of having the generic 'shared' vault? Is there a way to get rid of it? It seems too wide to be specifically meaningful, and we'd like to avoid people just dumping logins to a generic shared spot.

at least, if we could rename it, then we could say, 'misc' or something... but rather we'd get rid of it.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Jacob

    Hey @imajes! The Shared vault is useful for some folks, but it has its differences. We at AgileBits use it as a sort of contact book, and we have Identity items with our team members' info in them. We also have our private key for encrypted support emails someone may send us, software licenses for the company, and several test accounts anyone can use to reproduce weird issues. I think it's pretty useful for those things, but you can definitely remove everyone's access from it, aside from yourself. Just click the pencil icon beside it in the web interface and uncheck everyone and every group, then click Done and you'll be set. Hope that helps! :)

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