1Password Mini is slow to unlock

Community Member
edited March 2016 in Mac

I apologize if this has been addressed before. I have seen several similar threads, but nothing quite matching my issue so I thought I would make a post.

I am using 1Password 6.1 for Mac with no local vaults (clean install on all my machines), just using 1Password for Teams. I have my primary vault, and 2 team vaults that load. It seems that when I go to unlock my 1Password Mini in Chrome to get a password, about 10-20% of the time, if I haven't used 1Password in awhile, as soon as I type my password into 1Password Mini and press enter, it just hangs. It will hang for 10 - 30 seconds, then unlock. This is incredibly frustrating because I need the password, so I've been just waiting it out, but it is very difficult to use even though it only happens a small fraction of the time. That still ends up being once or twice a day for me.

This has happened on all 3 machines I use 1Password on, running both El Capitan and Yosemite. The only thing I can think is that it is somehow related to some sort of security measures with 1Password for Teams? It never happened when I was using local vaults. Thought I would mention it so the 1Password for Mac team was aware, perhaps to help integration with 1Password for Teams.

1Password Version: 6.1
Extension Version:
OS Version: 10.10.5
Sync Type: Teams


  • Xipper
    Community Member
    edited March 2016

    I also see this across 3 different Macs. 1Password uses 100% CPU for a given period of time and then it returns to a 'normal' state, this happens on every unlock of the vault. I am not using Teams and am seeing this, so it must not be specific to Teams.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @vcantrell and @Xipper,

    I'm very sorry you're both having this problem when unlocking 1Password mini!

    This is a known issue, and I apologize for the inconvenience. In most cases, restarting 1Password mini seems to help, at least temporarily: From the main 1Password app, go to Help > Troubleshooting > Restart 1Password mini.

    Our developers are looking into this issue but need more information from users who are experiencing it. If you'd be willing to help, it would be great if you could do the following:

    1. Install the latest beta version of the 1Password app (the option to do this is only available in the AgileBits Store version)
    2. Wait for the next time you experience the issue
    3. Create a Diagnostics Report from your Mac
    4. Attach the diagnostics report to an email message addressed to: support+forum@agilebits.com

    Please do not post your diagnostics report in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum handle so we can "connect the dots" when we see your report in our inbox. You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here so we can track down your report and have our developers take a look. Hopefully it will help them to solve this issue. Thanks very much! :)

    ref: OPM-3829

  • vcantrell
    Community Member

    Thanks, Drew. I have updated to beta and will send reports as it happens.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    :+1: :)

  • Xipper
    Community Member

    Perhaps coincidence, still observing...but so far since installing 10.11.4 I haven't had the 1Password Mini freeze on unlock.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Xipper,

    Thanks for the update! As far as I know, there's nothing in 10.11.4 that would cause the slow unlock problem in 1Password mini to go away permanently - however, that OS X update requires the Mac to be restarted, which means 1Password mini restarts as well. So that would explain why you're not currently running into the problem, as restarting mini is the workaround I previously mentioned. Until our developers are able to find a permanent fix, the problem may return at some point.

    Of course, if the update somehow solved the problem on your Mac and it doesn't happen again, I certainly won't complain! :lol:

  • step_hane
    Community Member
    edited March 2016

    I agree. I tried the fix. It's not working. It's pretty unbearable. I dread having to use a password now.

    One thing for sure that isn't working properly is if I'm signed in to a different user in Google Chrome. That takes ages to unlock.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @step_hane,

    I'm sorry you're running into a delay when unlocking 1Password mini! The thread where you posted your message was actually about the Search feature taking too long in 1Password mini, which is different than the problem you described, so I moved your post to another discussion which is about the issue I believe you're running into.

    Please take a look at my previous response in this discussion (from March 22). That explains that this is a known issue our developers are looking into, gives steps for a workaround, and also explains how you can help our developers to permanently solve this.

    If you have any questions about that, please let us know. Thanks! :)

  • swemoney
    Community Member

    I've created a tiny bash script that kills the onepassword4-helper process every morning for me if anyone is interested. If you observe the Activity Monitor on the Memory tab, you'll notice "1Password mini" takes up just under 10MB when it first gets launched, but over time, that grows quite a bit. The last time it became a real issue where I was waiting a good 5-10 seconds after entering my password for the lock to turn and reveal my password, "1Password mini" was at 333MB. Force quitting it caused it to restart automatically and everything was snappy again.

    If you're interested in automating this process until an official fix is released, I've got the script here...


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    It's a neat idea but the one thing I would say is kill -9 is not elegant and it's probably best not to resort to that degree right off the bat. I can understand why it seems useful, it's just letting 1Password quit 1Password mini itself is probably a better idea.

  • tcampbellut
    Community Member

    I'm having this problem as well. I didn't notice it before I installed Bitdefender. It might not be related at all though.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @tcampbellut,

    I'm sorry you're also having this problem! Just to be sure, is the problem that when you unlock 1Password mini / browser extension, there is a significant delay before the unlock completes and you can use it? After the delay, does it work correctly for you?

    If you've read my other replies in this thread, you probably already know this is a known issue that our developers are trying to solve. I apologize for the inconvenience! If you haven't already read my previous messages here, this response from March 22 gives steps for a workaround, and also has information about how you can help our developers solve this. (You don't have to of course, but if you do, I know our developers will really appreciate it!)

    We're here for you if you have more questions about that. Cheers!

    ref: OPM-3829

  • theironborn
    Community Member

    Per Drew_Ag's post, I sent a Diagnostics Report and am posting my Support ID Number:

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @,

    We've received your Diagnostics Report - thanks for sending it in! Someone from the support team will get back to you as soon as possible with some further information. We'll keep the conversation going directly via email to avoid complicating things between here and there. :)

    ref: JSR-11857-591

  • t0hvanah
    Community Member

    Problem remains in recent update, and may even be worse... I may be experiencing delays pulling up a responsive mini window, even when 1Password is unlocked.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @t0vanah,

    We've received your Diagnostics Report - thanks for sending it in! Someone from the support team will get back to you as soon as possible with some further information. We'll keep the conversation going directly via email to avoid complicating things between here and there. :)

    ref: WYM-31928-421

This discussion has been closed.