If I change to OPVault, can I access 1Password info in Dropbox?

Community Member

I just read the page for "Switching to OPVault from Agile Keychain." If I change everything to OPVault, can I still access my 1Password archive through Dropbox from a colleague's computer when overseas? The pages on dropping 1PasswordAnywhere and agilekeychain are not clear on this.

I see I have OPVault enabled in the Tools menu but I understand this will be for new vaults. I've been using 1Password for a number of versions, upgrading to new versions when available.

1Password Version: 6.2
Extension Version:
OS Version: OS X 10.11.4
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: kb-search:1PasswordAnywhere, kb:opvault-design, ug:mac/, kb:switch-to-opvault


  • nathanvf
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2016

    Hi there @pjcinsydnow,

    Unfortunately OPVault does not support 1PasswordAnywhere, so if you wish to keep it working you should not migrate to OPVault.

    Hope this helps.

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