Teams web interface - add two factor auth to login

Community Member

I'm running linux, so I've been using 1password (standard) for windows under wine - this works fine for me. I've started testing 1password for teams, and it appears that for now only viable option is the web interface.

However I cannot find a way to add two-factor authentication to my logins in web interface. Is this feature coming anytime soon, or maybe I'm simply not seeing it? Is there any ETA for when normal (not Windows 10) app will support teams?


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Ubuntu
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @mstawick: We don't have any current plans to add external multi factor support, but it's something we're considering. We're working on a solution 1Password Teams/Families for Windows 7 and above, but we don't have a release date to announce for that yet.

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