how to remove duplicate category ..1Password Version 6.2

Community Member
edited April 2016 in Mac

i am using 1Password Version 6.2 on

2) imac 27inch OSX 10.10.5 both late 2014 models

2) MacBook Air OSX 10.10.5 both early 2014 models

i am using 1Password Version 5.5

1) iphone 6 iOs 8.3

1) iphone 6+ iOs 8.3
everything purchased January 2015

i'm using Dropbox to sync ( with no problems for the last year until today )

one macbook air had not been used in a few months
after updating to 6.2 today __ it shows in All Items ( 531 ) while all the other devices show 529

on that same macbook air there are now 2 Membership categories showing
one lists only 1 item and the other 160 items

on all the other devices there is only 1 Membership showing and with the proper 160 items

on the macbook air Logins ( 249 ) all the others Logins ( 248 )

i've tried adding as a test a new login appears on all devices and then removing it ...that works fine
and i've restarted that macbook air a few times

i've deleted the trash

nothing has helped to get rid of the problems

is it possible to somehow to delete the extra Membership category on that one MacBook Air ?

thankyuuu in advance for any insights in to curing this one

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @chasan,

    Thanks for those screenshots ... I have to say, I’ve never seen that before! I’m curious - that one rogue Membership item, does the item open correctly (can you view its details in the app)? Is it a duplicate of an item that you already have saved in the proper Membership category?

    I’m betting that if we delete that one entry, the duplicate category will go away, but I don’t want to recommend removing the item if it’s one that you need. Let’s try this first: if you edit the entry, add a random field somewhere and save it, does it change anything?

  • chasan
    Community Member
    edited April 2016

    hi Megan

    thankyuuu for your quick reply

    what is strange is that if i highlite the Membership that shows just one item
    actually it seems like all the items are there that are in the Membership showing 160

    if i go to add a new item it shows two Membership Categories !

    if i add a test to either one of the memberships shows up in both

    only the one that show 1 item does not increase to show 2

    but the one that shows 160 does increase to 161

    when i delete that one test it gets deleted in both Memberships

    thanks for working on this with me

    Jim Chasan

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @chasan,

    Thank you for the additional details & screenshot! Like Megan, I've never seen this happen before, so it's definitely a very strange issue.

    If you haven't already done so, can you please try restarting 1Password mini? To do that, open the main 1Password app and go to Help > Troubleshooting > Restart 1Password mini. Then unlock 1Password - are both Membership categories still showing up there?

    If not, and if this problem is only happening on one of your Macs, and if you have all your latest 1Password data on your other Mac and/or iPhones, a solution might be to reset 1Password on the Mac that has the problem, and then re-sync your data to it. But before we try that, please confirm that the problem is only happening on one Mac and that your other Mac & iPhones have all your data. Thanks in advance! :)

  • chasan
    Community Member
    edited April 2016

    hi Drew

    the restart 1Password-mini suggestion did not resolve the issue on the MacBook Air
    i tried it twice and also 2 computer restarts

    the problem is only happening on that one Mac

    my iPhone 6 is also fine,
    my wife will be home shortly with her iPhone 6+
    and i will check to see if there are any issues there

    and then get back to you

    i do have backups from this morning on my iMac 27 ( where there are no problems )
    and on 2 external HD's as well.

    friday afternoon smiles


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks @chasan!

    It sounds like the problem is only on your MacBook Air, and you have all your latest 1Password data on your iMac and iPhone, so I think the best way to solve this will be as follows:

    • Reset 1Password on your MacBook Air by following the steps here: How do I start over?
    • After doing that, open 1Password on your MacBook Air and it should be like the first time and take you through a setup procedure.
    • Set up 1Password by syncing your vault(s) from Dropbox, as explained in our user guide here: Use existing 1Password data on a new computer

    Please let us know how it goes and if you have any questions about that. Thanks! :)

  • chasan
    Community Member

    hi Drew

    the iPhone 6+ is also ok

    so i will now try your suggestion here
    of how to clean out library files
    and do a start over


  • chasan
    Community Member

    Hi Drew

    i followed your helpful steps

    and then added an item to Members it appeared on all devices
    and then when i deleted it disappeared on all devices

    the problems have been resolved

    many many thankyuuus

    and i wish you & Megan and all the 1password tech gurus
    a wonderful weekend


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Greetings @chasan,

    While we're happy that the issue has been resolved I wish I knew why you were seeing what you were seeing, that's puzzling. We'll just have to be happy it's all working properly again instead :smile: If you have any other issues at all please do contact us.

  • chasan
    Community Member
    edited April 2016

    dear littlebobbytables

    all i can say is that the MacbookAir on which i was having the problems
    had not been used for many months.......

    i had to update it from i think 5.4 ? to 6.2

    truthfully i didn't look at the categories or the number count of different items when i first opened 1password
    and just went through the updating process

    then afterwards i noticed the issue of things not matching

    so i don't know if it was there in the older version or not

    sorry i can not be more helpful

    silent lotus

    for you and all the tech gurus

    i can offer a little thankyuuu present
    of a free download of my silent lotus poetry
    as an origami chapbook

    available as us letter format and A4
    click on either title to initiate the download

    folding and cutting instruction video
    is on the top right hand of the page

    cover photo is from my wife
    it was her MacbookAir
    that was having the

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    I think I have to try that one night, it sounds relaxing :smile:

  • chasan
    Community Member

    i am now discovering the same problem on an older iMac 24"
    i had used this computer about 3 weeks ago
    i upgraded yesterday April 14, 2016 to 1password 6.2.1
    and then saw a message on my desktop that said dropbox was syncing more than a thousand files
    and now as before i have the situation that the number of All Items and Logins
    is not identical to my other devices

    so i will later today go through the steps you shared to delete my 1password files and reinstall and resync with drobox
    as that did work on my wife's MacbookAir on April 8th .... i'll let you know if that solved the issue on this older iMac 24"


    the correct number of :: All Items should be 529 Logins 248 Memberships 160

  • nathanvf
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Chasan,

    Sorry for the inconvenience you've experienced with this issue.

    Indeed I have seen this problem only once before. A change in 6.0 uncovers the discrepancy in your saved data, but we don't know how it was created. There could have been a bug from a long while back there you can have two types of a Category that are separate. It was likely there when you ran 5.x but only became visible when you updated to 6.x.

    The solution is correct though. :chuffed:

  • chasan
    Community Member

    Re iMac24"

    good morning Nathan

    indeed upgrading sometimes brings the old bedbugs out of the fabric

    again the Restart 1Password mini did not solve the problem

    and once again this solution did work
    Reset 1Password on your MacBook Air by following the steps here: How do I start over?

    again many thankyuuus

    Jim Chasan

  • nathanvf
    1Password Alumni

    Glad to hear you got things working @chasan.

  • chasan
    Community Member
    edited August 2016

    i seem to be confronted with almost the identical problem once again
    yet your past suggestions ( which resolved the issue ) to go to trouble shooting and start over
    is no longer showing .... what is the new protocol to resolve this on computers and iPhones ?

    Jim Chasan


    Present Situation

    i am now using 1Password Version 6.3.2 on

    2) imac 27inch OSX 10.11.6 both late 2014 models ( El Capitan )

    2) MacBook Air OSX 10.11.6 both early 2014 models ( El Capitan )

    1) iMac 24 ( early 2008 )running Yosemite ( it is at an other location an only used once a month it is presently turned off )


    i am using 1Password Version 6.4.4

    1) iphone 6 iOs 9.3.4

    1) iphone 6+ iOs 9.3.4
    everything purchased January 2015

    i'm using with my wife a shared Dropbox to sync

    my wife's macbook air had not been used in a few months,, when i turned it on
    it had a few extra items that shouldn't have been appearing so i deleted them

    now on all the iMacs and the Macbook Airs the** Items** are 542** Logins** 256

    on my iPhone 6 it is also ** Items** are 542** Logins** 256

    yet on my wife's iPhone 6 + ** Items** are 550** Logins** 265

    on both iMacs the the number of items and logins etc are identical except that two items
    google accounts
    are reversed in order
    ( there maybe more of this kind of occurrence but i have not checked)

    that is to say on my wife's iMac & Macbook Air the order of the those two items are one way
    and on my iMac & Macbook Air they are different

    yet on my iPhone6 the order of those two items are not identical to my iMac & Macbook Air

    they are like on my wife's iMac & Macbook Air & iPhone6+

    if anyone is around to help on this sunny saturday
    i would be very thankful

    if not i wish you all a wonderful weekend
    and look forward to a reply perhaps on Monday

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @chasan,

    I'm sorry we weren't able to get back to you sooner!

    i seem to be confronted with almost the identical problem once again

    Are you referring to the problem where two 'Membership' categories are listed in 1Password? Or the problem where the number of items doesn't match on some devices?

    yet your past suggestions ( which resolved the issue ) to go to trouble shooting and start over
    is no longer showing .... what is the new protocol to resolve this on computers and iPhones ?

    In 1Password for Mac, that option has been renamed to Reset All 1Password Data. It's still in the Help > Troubleshooting menu, and it does the same thing as before. We just changed the name so it would be clearer what it does. :)

    If you need to follow the steps to start over anyway, that might also solve the other problems you mentioned with the item count and the order of those Google items. But if not, please let us know and we'll continue helping you to solve that. Cheers! :)

  • chasan
    Community Member
    edited August 2016

    hi Drew

    thanks for getting back to me today

    the situation now is only

    the item count and the order of those Google items.

    i want to try the Reset All 1Password Data
    but it is not appearing

    this is what i see

    today on my iMac
    i very strangely see start over grayed out and** not** Reset All 1Password Data
    and i am up to date with 1Password Version 6.3.2

    and when it is locked i still see start over

    i of course still have my master password so i assume i
    can continue to use it when doing the reset

    and i am using Dropbox to sync

    **also **
    does it make any difference in which order to do the start over//reset
    ..... iPhones first or computers ?

    thanks again


  • Hi @chasan,

    "Start Over" has been renamed to "Reset All 1Password Data" but only in the latest beta test versions. Sorry about that. Both commands do exactly the same thing, and can only be run when 1Password is locked.

    I hope that helps.


  • chasan
    Community Member

    does it make any difference in which order to do the start over//reset
    ..... iPhones first or computers ?

  • chasan
    Community Member

    does it make any difference in which order to do the start over//reset
    ..... iPhones first or computers ?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @chasan,

    No, it doesn't matter which one you reset first. But before you reset 1Password on any of your iPhones or Macs, please make sure you backup your data on each one as a precaution. On each Mac, open 1Password and go to File > Backup. On each iPhone, you can create a backup file and save it to a Mac by following the steps here: 1Password backups

    If for any reason something goes wrong when starting over and syncing your data again, you can restore from that backup if you need to.

    It sounds like starting over has been helpful for you with some previous issues, and it might help with this current problem too - but if the problem is that the item count doesn't match on each device, there's also a chance that's caused by a sync problem. So if starting over doesn't solve that, or if the problem starts happening again, please let us know and we can look further into what's causing it and how to solve it on a more permanent basis. Thanks! :)

  • chasan
    Community Member

    thankyuuu Drew

    the start over procedure with syncing to Dropbox worked flawlessly on both the iMacs and both the MacbookAirs

    the 2 iPhones ( 6 and 6+ )were not so cooperative
    i had to delete , re install and re-sync each one 3 times before they were re-synced accurately
    including that the pro features were also appearing in 'Settings'

    all issues that i was having have now been resolved.
    and everything once again appears identical on 1Password across
    all the phones and computers


  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @chasan

    I'm sorry to hear that you had a bad time getting this sorted out, but it's great news to hear that it's all up and running again for you! On behalf of Drew, you're very welcome! If you need help with anything else or have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask, we're always here for you! :chuffed:

This discussion has been closed.