No website field for Email category?
In the past, I've always used the Logins category when creating a new item for an email address (e.g., Gmail, Outlook). The Logins category contains a field for Website.
Today I used the Email Accounts category for the first time, for a new Outlook email address. But now I see that the Email Account category does not contain a Website field, so I cannot click on the entry to log into my email account. Is this a "works as designed" feature? I know I can set up email addresses as Login items (which is what i will do), but unless I'm missing something, but it seems like Email Account category entries also should have a Website field.
Also, as others have suggested, having the ability to convert an entry from one category to another (in this case, from Email Account to Logins) would be great. Saves a lot of copying and pasting!
1Password Version: 6.2
Extension Version: 4.5.5
OS Version: OS X 10.11.4
Sync Type: WiFi
Hi @pomme4moi,
Thanks for taking the time to write in!
But now I see that the Email Account category does not contain a Website field, so I cannot click on the entry to log into my email account. Is this a "works as designed" feature?
This is ‘works as designed’. 1Password has a few primary categories that can be used to fill in on websites. Those categories are Logins, Credit Cards, and Identities. All other categories are there for your own organization.
In the past, I've always used the Logins category when creating a new item for an email address (e.g., Gmail, Outlook).
If you wish to fill the username and password for your email address in on a website, like Google, Login items are the place to store this information.
If you wish to add extra details, like the server info, then you can choose to use an Email Account, or add a few custom fields to your Login item.
Also, as others have suggested, having the ability to convert an entry from one category to another (in this case, from Email Account to Logins) would be great. Saves a lot of copying and pasting!
Thanks for the vote, I’ll let our developers know. :)