How do you deal with this? / Who else keeps track of this?

Community Member

Hey all,

I have an issue which I have started to keep track of using 1Password. This method is working very well for me so far so i'm not asking for a method to be able to do anything, just merely posting my method of dealing with it and seeing who else does so and if so how they deal with it?

Ok, so you may be wondering by now, what issue I am referring to. I am moving house shortly and thought that i'm going to have to update such data as my address at a whole host of places. I thought that 1Password could help me keep track of this stuff.

So, I have been going through all my items and using 1Password's tags in order to add a custom tag to be able to find all the places/services that have a certain piece of information about me (eg: my address).

Those places, I would add a tag such as "ADDR-32 Broad Road" (not my real address). I can then use this to quickly and easily find all places/services that have my address of 32 Broad Road and know that I need to visit them and get it updated. I have done this with credit/debit cards with a tag like CC-1234 (showing last 4 digits in order to identify the card) and other pieces of data.

Does anyone else do this and if so then what method have you used?

The other issue I have and am still looking for a decent solution for is the multiple item issue. Say for example that you have a Costa Coffee reward card and you set up a reward card item in 1Password with the card number in the item. Then a while later you go to their website and create an account there which the card is linked to. You obviously set up a Login item for it. You now have two separate items for Costa Coffee.

For my first issue, do I put the tags on the reward card or login item? I know I can add custom fields to any item and merge the data but it sort of feels wrong.

For now, I just choose one of the items to act as a master one, add the tags to it and on the others I just add a tag of something like "DATA ON OTHER" in order to tell my future self that all other data is stored in the other item.

This could all be over the top but I was wondering who else tries to manage this in 1Password and if so, how?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @rctneil ,

    That's a great suggestion regarding the addresses. I may just start doing that myself.

    Regarding the rewards card issue, that is a scenario that has come up. I personally see that with Banks. I have a login for online banking, and a Bank Account item.

    1Password for Families and Teams does have a feature that lets you "link" items, where you can store a one way link to another item inside an item, so all you need to do is click on the link to bring up the related item. The architecture of the Teams and Families vaults lends itself to doing that relatively easily. But that's still likely not a complete solution. We're thinking about the best way to solve this, but haven't come up with a complete solution yet.

    Thanks so much for taking the time to write in with your suggestions!


  • rctneil
    Community Member

    No problem. It's good to find a scenario, find a way to manage it and let others know about it.

    A way to link items in the "standard" version would be great too!. I would LOVE to use 1Password for Teams/Families but due to my family not being terribly "bothered" by the password issues it just won't be possible and might as well just continue using the normal version and syncing myself via DB.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Neil ( @rctneil ),

    My favourite tags are address, debit card, and phone number, for similar reasons to what you describe. I actually had to replace my debit and credit card recently due to fraudulent activity (the bank caught it and took care of everything before I even noticed - thank goodness!) but it was so handy to have the tag on all my Login items so that I could easily update my card details where I needed to.

    For my first issue, do I put the tags on the reward card or login item? I know I can add custom fields to any item and merge the data but it sort of feels wrong.

    Personally, I’d put the tag on the Login item, because that’s the item I would use to update the information.

    A way to link items in the "standard" version would be great too!

    I will let our development team know you’re interested - linking has always been a popular feature request, and I can certainly see some cases where it would be all kinds of useful. :)

  • rctneil
    Community Member

    My issue with just a plain old "address" tag is that you don't know which address it refers to. That is the reason I use tags like "ADDR-742 Evergreen Terrace" or "ADDR-52 Festive Road" so I can tell instantly that all services with that tag have that exact address stored on them.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rctneil,

    I do like your variation! I could see it being very helpful for handling multiple addresses (say a business and a home). :)

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