Printing a secure note does not contain all info



  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    I'm curious - you said you tried the converter, but weren't happy with the results. But I wrote a special, customized converter for you, and showed the first example output above, but you did not comment (and you don't obviously have that converter). My aim was to get your feedback as to what you wanted the output to look like. Since you didn't respond, I presumed you just were not interested.

    Is there something you want changed that will work for you?

  • StarPine
    Community Member

    Hi MrC, downloaded the new converter, but the converter for html is missing in the AppleScript overview and I am unable to get it working through the terminal, because the converter generates an error when converting a 1Password exported item.
    The converter could do the trick, but copying and pasting inside a texteditor is a lot easier than using this converter, so I did try it, but was not happy with the results then.
    So please add the html converter into the Applescript and I will try it again. In the Applescript: 1password for printing does not work.
    Kind regards


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    I had not added the onepif2html2 converter to the AppleScript yet, since I was awaiting your feedback. It is a temporary converter, customized from the original, to suit your needs. Until we get the format settled, I'll just leave it as separate.

    I've added the converter to the AppleScript helper for now:

    FYI: I also fixed an issue with the original onepif2html converter - my attempt at make the HTML document strict and valid had an error. I've removed the error, and will address the bigger fix later.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for doing that, @MrC!

    Let us know if that helps at all, @StarPine. :)

  • StarPine
    Community Member

    That seems to work a lot better, just needs a bit of custom css TLC and then this will be a fine alternative for "printing" a problematic 1password secure note. I will test some more in the next couple of days, I appreciate the support and effort that has been put in helping me and perhaps others as well. Thank you very much!

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @StarPine - just let me know what you want, or I'll create a way to include a custom CSS file to overide the simple defaults in the converter.

    The printing converter was designed so that it could be extended over time, as per user's needs, so I've anticipated that users would have their own ideas of what they'd like. However, I'm also a pragmatic coder, and try to code only what will be used based on user needs and requests. You were the first user to ask for customized notes layouts, so you're at the forefront of pushing the design and implementation.

  • StarPine
    Community Member

    @MrC, excellent! As you previewed in the post on the 22th of May, that will make a great starting point. You did some CSS editing in that post and showed me a preview. That will be a great way to start and make some adjustments along the way.
    It's for the client so tabs in the right spot would be nice, I use them all the time in secure notes, but exporting them makes the text go back or forth depending on the tab settings. If that could be preserved, that would be great!

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    I'll let @MrC comment on the tabs, but I just wanted to add that I'm glad he's been able to help you with this. Over the years, he has really gone above and beyond for our customers. We're very lucky to have him here! :)

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