CanI convert a login to password? I see a button for going the other way


I have set up some logons in 1Password. However, there are some sites that I am using that are old and when I try to login, 1Password doesn't auto populate the user ID and password that I saved as a login. So, I want to only save the password in the Password section, but I don't see a way to convert from login section. ADP applications and my bank (TD Bank Canada - Easyweb) are the two that I can't seem to get going.

1Password Version: 1Password 6 Version 6.2.1 (621002)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: El Capitan 10.11.4
Sync Type: icloud
Referrer: forum-search:Can I convert Login to Password? I see a button for the other way.....


  • Jacob

    Hey @TeresaBrz! Interesting question. We don't have a one-click method to go the other way, but let's work on the actual issue you're experiencing. ADP has a multi-page login process, and TD Bank Canada should be working because much of AgileBits is Canadian and we use that often. :) For ADP, could you try saving a new Login as outlined in this knowledge base article? And for TD Bank Canada, could you just try saving a new Login manually? I suspect that will get things rolling again. :) Let us know how it goes!

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