Post a question in the Forum

Community Member

I see many answers but I cannot find a prompt to post my question

1Password Version: 6.2.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.11.14
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: ug:mac/sync-icloud, ug:mac/sync-wi-fi, ug:mac/browser-preferences, ug:mac/using-a-saved-login, kb:update-1password



  • shelgor
    Community Member

    Need help to post a question to the Forum but do not see a 'window' / prompt to do so

  • shelgor
    Community Member

    Perhaps I found the window......if can I tell if iPassword is in fact working......most (if not all ) I have 'registered ID & passwords on most sites I visit and ask that the information is saved ...they currently reside in the computer.

    How can I tell if I am connected ( being protected) through iPassword or through the default settings I have been using

  • Hi @shelgor,

    To make sure I am understanding you correctly, I believe you are asking how can you tell if you have saved login information for a site in 1Password or in Safari's autofill feature. If not, please reply and explain what you mean by "the default settings."

    If you open the 1Password application, it will show you all of the items you have saved there.

    Your old settings (before 1Password) would be located in the Safari preferences under the AutoFill section. Going forward, we recommend turning Autofill off in those Safari preferences, and let 1Password save your logins when it asks.

    I hope that helped. Please feel free to reply if you need more information or have more questions.


  • shelgor
    Community Member

    Thanks Kevin,

    That WAS my question......when I signed on to a site.......I wasn't sure if it was the old 'AUTO FILL" information making the connection or my new 1password app.

    I have followed your advice and turned off the Auto Fill option in the Safari browser.

    If I still have a question regarding this issue, may I come back to you ??


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @shelgor,

    I have followed your advice and turned off the Auto Fill option in the Safari browser.

    That’s great! From now on, 1Password will prompt you to save all new usernames and passwords that you enter into the web browser. And those details will be available in the browser extension to be filled in when you need them.

    Have you taken a look through our User Guide? If you’re just getting started with 1Password, the walkthrough there might help you learn a few tips and tricks about how to make 1Password work best for you.

    And of course, you’re always welcome to contact us here if you have more questions! If forums are not your favourite way to chat, you can also email in to :)

  • shelgor
    Community Member

    Thanks Megan,

    I AM 'working' my way through the user guide.......I have a hard time 'visualizing the architecture and sequencing of events.

    Once I get a handle on my computer and my wife's as well.......I will guess my next venture will try to 'sync' this app to our iPhones and her iPad........FYI. up until now we have chosen not to use iCloud; for a variety of reasons, (long story ).....but swill assume in order to give us the same security.......iCloud will be the path to take and I will deal with it when I come to that 'intersection'

    Thanks for your feed back and please stay tuned


  • Hi @shelgor,

    Thanks for the update! We'll be here if you have any questions. FYI, you will not need to use iCloud to sync your items. You do have the option of using Dropbox. Both are secure methods to sync your items.


  • shelgor
    Community Member

    Thanks Kevin,

    As you can probably tell I am a tekkie dunce and HAVE received photos from friends using Drp Box, but I don't have a clue as to how to use it........can you direct me a tutorial link ?


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @shelgor,

    At 1Password, it is our goal to make security convenient for everyone, from the techie geeks to the technology newbs. We’re happy to work with you to get this all set up. :)

    If you’ve already installed Dropbox on your computer, you’re halfway there! We’ve got an article to help you get your 1Password data in Dropbox:

    Sync with Dropbox

    Just as an aside, Dropbox is a pretty nifty service. You can share photos with friends, and you can keep copies of your important documents (or your 1Password data, in this case) stored away from your computer. This is great in case your computer has a meltdown. :)

  • shelgor
    Community Member

    Hi Megan,

    Just ran into another question (glitch).

    I just went to my PNC credit card to check for an item and , as normal, was prompted for my ID........which the took me to another prompt for my password.

    I was expecting to see a prompt 1password asking if I wanted you to 'register (mark) this site for future use, using 1Password... that did not happen and I had to enter my password manually.

    It got without saying........HELP !!

    I did take a screen shot of my attempt thinking I might attach it to this comment.....NOT @!



  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @shelgor,

    Well, let me just say that these sign in screens that split the sign in details across two different pages are a bit frustrating for password managers, but I think we can still get 1Password to help you fill this in. Here’s what we’ll do:

    • Go to the PNC page and enter your ID, but don’t click the 'sign in’ button just yet.
    • Click on the 1Password icon in your menu bar. Unlock if necessary.
    • Click on the gear icon in the corner to bring up a menu.
    • Select ‘Save new Login’.
    • A pop up will appear to let you give the item a title. Choose something like ‘PNC, ID’ and confirm the save.
    • On the website, click the 'sign in’ button.
    • (You should be looking at the page to enter your password, so we’ll do the same process here.)
    • Fill in your password, but don’t click the ‘sign in’ button.
    • Open 1Password in the menu bar.
    • Click the gear icon and select ‘Save new Login’.
    • This time, we’ll call it ‘PNC, password’ (or something that makes sense to you) and save.

    Now, you’ll have 2 items for PNC, but you should be able to log in without much effort. Here’s how to use this the next time you want to log into PNC:

    • Click on the 1Password icon in your menu bar.
    • Start typing the name of the item - ‘PNC, ID’.
    • When that item is highlighted, hit the Enter key.
    • 1Password will open the page and fill in your ID.
    • When the password page loads, you can fill your password by using the ⌘\ ( Command- \ ) keyboard shortcut ... and you should be all logged in!

    Now, this whole process should be half as hard with standard login screens where all of your information can be entered on just one page. But I hope this helps.

    If you hit any snags with my steps, please let me know! :)

  • shelgor
    Community Member

    Thanks worked !!


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @shelgor,

    Whoo hoo! That’s awesome to hear!

    I hope that 1Password behaves perfectly for you from now on, but if you have any other questions or concerns, we're here for you! :)

  • shelgor
    Community Member

    Thanks and you can bet I next endeavor is to try to get 1 password up and running in my wife iPhone and iPad......and will follow your suggestion of using 'drop box'.........which I downloaded today.........and need to learn how it works; if the name is indicative of it's 'architecture' I am assuming it is a 'Drag & Drop' but cannot tie the same 'concept' as it relates to 1Password


  • shelgor
    Community Member

    Good morning Megan

    Here it is the middle of the night and my mind is racing with a multitude of questions........prompted by my wife's need to get this app up and running ...which brings me to the following question.

    Yesterday, you sent me instructions on how to get my PNC switched to 1Password.......and if I didn't tell you, let me say now "perhaps the best , most clearly explained directions I have ever received"

    I am going to attach a screen shot for you to see what I have in my 'VAULT' (??) and ask you do I need to follow yesterday procedure for PNC for each one of the accounts ?

    Another thought that follows is........when I sign up for a new site and am prompted for ID & I continue as I have always done in the past.........and then convert it to 1Password..........or do I simple sign up using 1Password

    I guess I all over the page with silly questions........huh?......but I would like to be sure that I set up my wife's computer to receive some of her anxieties



  • shelgor
    Community Member

    Okay, I just went to my wife's computer to test PNC.........and 'Nada'..........can I assume I must follow the yesterdays directions and do the same on her computer ?

    And since you are sleeping now and haven't answered my earlier I need to follow the same PNC directions for ALL of the info I have put in her 'VAULT' ( ??)

  • shelgor
    Community Member

    Hi, I'm up and thought about ANOTHER question........PNC was a 'two part' sign on.......ID & the Password......

    Can I assume when it is just ONE 'son on' Amazon, simply follow the first part of your directions ?

    I'm sure once I understand the 'threads and architecture' of how this app works I will give you a rest.


  • shelgor
    Community Member


    Smeeeee again.......I'm ' atappin'.......but nothing is happening .......wazzzzzzup ??



  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @shelgor,

    Sounds like you’ve had an exciting weekend playing around with 1Password! I apologize for not replying sooner, but let’s see what we can do to answer your questions now. :)

    First, let’s talk about Dropbox.

    if the name is indicative of it's 'architecture' I am assuming it is a 'Drag & Drop' but cannot tie the same 'concept' as it relates to 1Password

    Dropbox is basically a special folder that sits on your computer. Anything that you save to that folder will get copied to Dropbox’s servers. This means that you will be able to sign in to your Dropbox account in a web browser and see a copy of those files, even if you’re not on the computer where you originally saved them. You can share folders inside of your Dropbox folder with other people, which means that both of you will have a copy of the files that are in that folder. I use Dropbox to share family photos with my parents, and to share boring things like tax documents with my husband.

    Dropbox is also great for sharing your 1Password data. If you need any help setting up sync across all your devices, our User Guide is a great place to look. I shared the link for syncing 1Password on your Mac with Dropbox earlier, so here’s the matching guide for 1Password for iOS:

    Sync 1Password for iOS with Dropbox

    do I need to follow yesterday procedure for PNC for each one of the accounts ?

    You should not need to recreate all of your Login items using those steps. Hopefully most of the Logins work just fine as they are! If some of them do not work, then the steps to save that item manually could be useful.

    Can I assume when it is just ONE 'son on' Amazon, simply follow the first part of your directions ?

    That’s correct! Follow the same steps, except that you’ll be able to fill in both fields on the one page, and only save one item for that site. :)

    Another thought that follows is........when I sign up for a new site and am prompted for ID & I continue as I have always done in the past.........and then convert it to 1Password..........or do I simple sign up using 1Password

    Here’s what I do when signing up for a new account:

    1. On the sign-up page, I’ll fill in my email address.
    2. Open 1Password in the menu bar (I use ⌘⌥\ ( Command-Option- \ ), but you could also just click the icon if you prefer) and choose the Password Generator.
    3. I can customize the password if the site has any particular requirements, once I like it, I’ll click ‘Fill’.
    4. Click the ‘Save details’ or ‘Create account’ on the website
    5. 1Password should pop up here and offer to save my new information.
    6. I’ll type in a unique title for the item and confirm the save.

    Now, that should give you a new item in 1Password, but I like to go one step further and immediately test this item.

    1. Log out of the new account and find the ‘sign in’ page.
    2. Copy that sign in web address and add it to my new item in 1Password (in the main app, find the item, click ‘Edit’ and paste the sign-in web address in the appropriate field, and hit ’Save’.)
    3. Use ⌘\ ( Command- \ ) to test my new item and make sure everything fills as it should.

    I'm ' atappin'.......but nothing is happening .......wazzzzzzup ??

    Just to clarify here, you want to reveal the password in 1Password for iOS, but tapping the password does not bring up a little context menu with options?

  • shelgor
    Community Member

    'Re: I'm 'atappin'.......yes, I seem to recall seeing an option that if I wanted to check to make sure I've entered my password correctly , there was something that I could do to 'see behind ' the 'dots' to be sure.......I tried following the instructions I attached, but tapping the 'dots' didn't work.

    BTW: I don't want you to break any rules.......or get fired.....just curios to know what time zone you are in.......I'm in Wash DC, ESDT.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @shelgor,

    Which version of 1Password for iOS are you using? You can find that detail in the Settings screen, just below the ‘Recommend 1Password’ option. I’ve just tested here (using the 6.4 beta) and pressing on the password field will bring up a ‘Copy | Reveal | Large Type’ menu.

    I don't want you to break any rules.......or get fired.....just curios to know what time zone you are in.......I'm in Wash DC, ESDT.

    I’m working out of our Toronto, ON office, but we have an awesome team of people working from across Canada and the US, and even into Europe. It’s pretty great because it means that we have people monitoring the forums almost 24 hours a day. :)

  • shelgor
    Community Member

    Perhaps the problem is I'm on my Macbook Pro ( not an IOS format ) using El Capitan v10.11.4....thanks for your Geography lesson, but are THEY all as good as you ??


  • @shelgor We're all quite adept here at AgileBits. If you're using your MacBook Pro, tapping is not an option since there are no Macs with touchscreens. ;) Simply hover over the password field and click the down arrow, then click Reveal to show the password for an item.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @shelgor: You can also hold down the Option key on the keyboard to reveal the password temporarily. I prefer that myself, since it saves me moving the mouse to an exact location to click what I'm already looking at. :sunglasses:

  • shelgor
    Community Member

    Easy enough........thanks


  • shelgor
    Community Member

    Good morning,

    I am looking at a You Tube tutor by David Cox and it appears that I have 'erred' somewhere in setting up my account

    First, I DO NOT see a heading for my vault and second I wanted to follow David's advice to use 'Secure Notes' to document my 'Wi-Fi passwords as a back up but do not see a Secure Notes folder..(see attachment )

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    I can answer your second question.

    You won't see folders for categories you have not used. If you click the + button at the bottom to add an item you will be asked to choose a category for it. Choose "Secure Notes" and all will be well.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @shelgor,

    Well, Danco beat me to the second part of your question ... and I’m going to need a bit more clarification on question #1 as well. I’ll admit, I haven’t watched all of David’s tutorials, so I’m not quite sure which ‘heading’ you’re referring to here. Taking a guess:

    Are we talking about the heading in the top left of the screenshot? If you only have one vault, you won’t see that option there - it’s there to help you switch easily between your vaults, which is not necessary if you’ve only got one. :)

    If I’m answering a question you haven’t asked, please let me know!

  • shelgor
    Community Member

    Thanks Megan,

    As to the 'Vault' question and the fact only have 'ONE'....question is taken off the table

    As to the Secured Notes folder question, the tutorial 'suggested' a economical way of avoiding extra fees ( ??) would be add all of the 'Wi-Fi' passwords........I went to the Menu Bar.......and couldn't find it.......then I looked into Application folder,,,,,,,and VOILA !


This discussion has been closed.