Up graded app and can't access data now

Community Member

I migrated my hard drive from an old Mac Book to a new Mac Book Pro. It was working at first and then I upgraded the 1Password app and now I can't access the data. I have tried to install the browser extension and I get and error message that Safari won't let me install the extension. What am I doing wrong?

1Password Version: 6.2.1
Extension Version: 4.5.5
OS Version: 10.11.3
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Up graded app and can't access data now


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @wellsxdw,

    Let's start with Safari as I believe that will be the easier one. Open Safari's preferences and switch to the Extension tab. I believe you will see a copy of the 1Password Extension is already installed as most queries regarding this very vague message are the result of Safari really meaning to say "This extension is already installed, I'm stopping the installation as it would only be a duplicate copy". Sadly it says nothing more than "there was an error" - not exactly super useful. Am I correct at all with that one?

    Now to address the larger issue. You upgraded from an older version to the latest one and now you can't access your data. Are you saying that the upgrade seemed to go okay and that your Master Password isn't being accepted or are you saying 1Password is saying you have no data and asking you to create a new vault or maybe something else? Basically the more details you can give us the better we'll be able to help diagnose the issue. I don't suppose you also happened to remember, even roughly, what version you upgraded from?

  • wellsxdw
    Community Member

    It is in the extensions folder but there is a box that is asking me to uninstall the extension. When I bought my new Mac book pro, i transferred everything from my old lap top to the new MBP. 'The version of Password I transferred was 3.9.6 When I did the transfer it was working on the new MBP until I downloaded the update and then I could no longer get to the data. I don't understand about teams and families. I don't know how to access the emergency Kit etc. etc.

  • wellsxdw
    Community Member

    Is there phone support available to talk me through this?

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @wellsxdw,

    We don't have phone support - sorry. Our primary form of communication is via our public forums as we're doing now and by email.

    If you're seeing 1Password listed in the Extensions tab of Safari's preferences and can see an Uninstall button then it means it is installed. This means we need to concentrate on what you mean when you say you can no longer get to the data.

    Until this year there was only one way to use 1Password and that was to create a vault locally. You purchased a licence to run 1Password but the is was independent of any vaults you may or may not have made and nothing was stored with us.

    Early this year we introduced the idea of 1Password Families, a subscription service where you have an account with us and we assume responsibility for storing your vaults but we have no access. 1Password Families and 1Password for Teams (still in beta) make the idea of an Emergency Kit explicit where you would save a PDF that has the URL, email address and account key for your account saved and a space for your Master Password that is only in your head at this point in time. This is very different from how 1Password used to work where the vault was in an encrypted SQLite database file on your Mac and if you happened to set up sync possibly also in iCloud or Dropbox.

    Unless you have explicitly signed up and created a 1Password Families account and migrated the items from your locally stored vault to your Families' vaults then all of your data is still being locally stored.

    The previous version you were using was quite old, old enough so that 1Password 3 for Mac didn't make use of encrypted SQLite database files and instead replied completely on something called the Agile Keychain. 1Password 4-6 for Mac can still access the Agile Keychain but they don't treat it as the vault, they treat it as the sync container. All that matters from your perspective is that 1Password 4-6 for Mac can access the contents of an Agile Keychain.

    When you first launched 1Password 6 for Mac it should have asked you what you wanted to do, the screen would have looked a little like this.

    If you clicked the button titled Use Existing Data you should have been asked for your Master Password and when unlocked you should have been able to see your vault as it was in 1Password 3 for Mac.

    Does any of this sound familiar at all? If it doesn't can you describe what 1Password is doing when you open it. If we can understand what state 1Password is in right now we should be able to help you get this all resolved.

  • wellsxdw
    Community Member

    When I open from the launchpad I don't get that screen. I get a welcome screen and with two boxes side by side: Create your first vault and a second box that says: Sign in to 1 Password for teams. Under that in blue is a question: Already have 1Password data somewhere else? When I click on that I get a new screen which asks: Where is your data? and gives me four choices 1 Dropbox, 2 This Mac, 3 Another device and 4. Restore from backup. I have chosen This Mac and it goes to another screen which says choose file. When I click on that I go to sites that do not have anything that looks like 1Password Data. It seems to be a little different than your screens. So I am stopped at this point. If I open the 1Password icon from the gray bar with the master password, it tells me that there is no vault and that I should open the 1Password app which I don't seem to be able to do.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @wellsxdw,

    Okay, so it seems for reasons unknown at this moment 1Password doesn't believe it can find data that was in 1Password 3 for Mac.

    Can I ask, do you still have 1Password 3 for Mac on your system? What I would like you to do please is open the application and enter 1Password's preferences. In the General tab it has a section titled Data File. I want you to right click on the text 1Password.agilekeychain and select the option titled Show In Finder. This will open a Finder window where the Agile Keychain is. Now copy the Agile Keychain to your Desktop so you can easily locate it for later.

    With the Agile Keychain in a nice, easy to reach location I want you to use the page, Elsewhere on your Mac and this should help point 1Password to the data that was in 1Password 3 for Mac.

    So we're making progress. We know 1Password is still in the setup phase but we just don't know why it isn't finding your existing data. With a little luck the above will give it the kick in the pants needed. Do please keep us updated.

  • wellsxdw
    Community Member

    Ii can not find 1Password 3 for Mac on the new Mac book pro. I am guessing it was replaced when I downloaded the upgrade 6.2.1. I have not erased anything from the original Mac Book though and it should still be on the back up Seagate external hard drive that I used to migrate everything to the new computer. Can I retrieve it from there?

  • wellsxdw
    Community Member

    I have downloaded the agile bits keychain to a flash drive from the old computer. Should I put it on the desktop of the new MBP?

  • nathanvf
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @wellsxdw,

    You can indeed move it to the desktop of the new computer. If you want to have it sync over Dropbox you can place it in the Dropbox folder and then select it as "existing data" in the setup screen.

    Hope this helps.

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