Changing the how "Passwords" are shared between vaults.

Community Member

I love 1Password, and am excited to be able to share items within the family unit, but the current UI does not make "sharing" items between vaults very easy. I would prefer a "master vault" where each item has "permissions" just like in a SQL database. I have hundreds of passwords and moving them in and out of vaults is a little more work than I would like.

I would love in the future to have the ability to open up any "password" in my "master vault" and change what "vaults" its in, just as if it was a tag. I think that feature would be incredibly useful and would make the shared feature much easier to use.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Changing how to share "passwords" between users and within vaults. I want a list of "passwords" and choose what vaults they are in.


  • rr0ss0rr
    Community Member

    I think that sounds like the "Teams" product

  • Jacob
    edited April 2016

    Hey @ascibetta! Thanks for giving Families a try. @rr0ss0rr is spot on: 1Password for Teams would be much better in this case. It gives you a lot of permission control and a bunch of other power features you may find useful.

    As for changing what vault an item is in, you can do this in the 1Password apps right now simply by moving the item. Once you've signed in to an app, just use the share menu to move any items you select to a different vault. Hope that helps. :)

  • ascibetta
    Community Member

    No kidding... that seems backwards to me... but thanks! I'll give it a try!

  • Jacob

    @ascibetta It does, eh? I'm curious as to why you think that. We're constantly improving things so feel free to give us some feedback. :wink:

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