Family licensing

1Password Alumni
This discussion was created from comments split from: Upgrade options for version 6 for my family license for versions 4 & 5.


  • timsinger
    Community Member

    I have been a 1Password single user, across Mac OS X and IOS, for many years. I would now like to upgrade from my current version (4) to a family license, to include my wife, who uses Windows and Android platforms. There are so many conflicting pieces of advise here + I can see no way in which to contact agile, which I suppose in itself should be a deal breaker. Please advise!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I have been a 1Password single user, across Mac OS X and IOS, for many years. I would now like to upgrade from my current version (4) to a family license, to include my wife, who uses Windows and Android platforms. There are so many conflicting pieces of advise here + I can see no way in which to contact agile, which I suppose in itself should be a deal breaker. Please advise!

    @timsinger: Congratulations! You did contact AgileBits! ;)

    Indeed, our forums are the best way to get in touch, and you can find the link here and our email address on our support site...which is probably how you ended up here!

    Regarding your question, we do not sell a "family license" per se. However, we do offer 1Password Families, which makes it easy to access your 1Password data across various devices, share information securely with your loved ones, and of course gives you access to all the apps as well.

    Currently this is supported in our new 1Password for Windows 10 beta app, and we're working on an update for the 1Password for Windows desktop app. 1Password for Mac, iOS, and Android already work with 1Password Families.

    I hope this helps. Be sure to let us know if you have any questions! :)

  • timsinger
    Community Member

    Thanks Bentley, very helpful. Two follow-up questions:
    1) If I sign up for 1Password Families, will my current login information transfer over?
    2) When I add my wife on, using Windows/Android (I use OS X/IOS), will she be able to add a new vault, or must she add logins to my vault?

    Thanks again!


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Tim ( @timsinger ),

    1) If I sign up for 1Password Families, will my current login information transfer over?

    We have a guide to walk you through the process of migrating to a Teams or Families account that includes instruction on how to move your existing information into your new Families vaults.

    2) When I add my wife on, using Windows/Android (I use OS X/IOS), will she be able to add a new vault, or must she add logins to my vault?

    You can create as many vaults as you wish within the 1Password Families account. Each user will have access to a shared vault, and their own personal vault. You can organize this however you wish. In our family, all our social media accounts stay in our personal vault, and then the important stuff, like the Netflix Login and our joint banking details go into the shared vault.

    I hope this helps, but if you have more questions, we’re here for you!

  • timsinger
    Community Member

    Thanks Megan - Helpful information.
    However, in order to upgrade, I would like to be assured that my current account information is correct (to guarantee that my logins will migrate). Yet, I cannot seem to sign in on to your web site. I repeatedly receive incorrect login alert despite the fact that I am inputting the correct email, account key (verified in an Email to me by 1password... twice!) and master password.
    This, coupled with an inability to speak directly with customer support is making the decision to stay with 1password very difficult, despite the excellence of the product.
    Thanks for your assistance...

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @timsinger ,

    I’m sorry that you’re feeling frustrated here. As Brenty mentions above, this forum is one place that you can get direct contact with our team. We’re here, answering your questions 7 days a week. You are also welcome to email our team at if you would prefer.

    I repeatedly receive incorrect login alert despite the fact that I am inputting the correct email, account key (verified in an Email to me by 1password... twice!) and master password.

    I think I can see where things are getting tangled up here, and I sincerely apologize for the confusion. You currently own a license for the app, 1Password for Mac. I’m guessing that your license information is what you have requested to be sent to you from our website. This license for 1Password for Mac is not the same as the Account Key used to sign in to 1Password Families.

    If you would like to try 1Password Families out, you’ll need to sign up and create a new account. It’s pretty great, and I highly recommend you take advantage of the 30 day trial to see if it will work for your needs.

  • timsinger
    Community Member

    Thanks again.
    I have made some headway but still too much confusion and too many questions.
    PLEASE let me know a direct contact for support (I will pay).
    Thank you.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @timsinger,

    I’m sorry that you’re still having trouble here! As I mentioned above, you’re welcome to email our team at if you would prefer to discuss this over email instead.

  • timsinger
    Community Member

    Thanks Megan- You and Brently have been helpful, it's just that it would be so much easier to have a live walk through here, and judging by the multitude of questions you get, it appears that many people feel this way. Some of the more pressing questions I have are:

    1. My vault syncs (via dropbox) fine between my three devices (iMac, Macbook, iPhone), but none of my date shows up on my web page (singerwilson.dropbox....). All I see there are two vaults (personal, shared) with no logins contained within.
    2. I am looking to set my wife up as part of this 1Password family upgrade. Do I create her vault within the desktop app, or on the website. It would seem the former because the website isn't showing anything, as noted above?
    3. Upon setting up her vault (and our shared one), does she need to have the same dropbox account in order for us to remain in sync? Currently, she has a separate dropbox account.

    Thank you.


  • timsinger
    Community Member

    Update: I've figured out the bit about the data sync to the web site.
    Still need to know about dropbox account.
    Thanks again.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @timsinger: Just to make sure we're on the same page here, 1Password Families is completely separate from Dropbox. So you won't be syncing the same vault with both.

    With Dropbox syncing your local vaults from device to device, none of this will show up on the 1Password Families website. It's going through Dropbox Sync, not stored in your 1Password Families account.

    Similarly, data stored in a 1Password Families vault won't sync to your devices if they're setup only with Dropbox. So while you can certainly use both to sync separate vaults, to avoid confusion, let's focus on setting up 1Password Families for you and your wife, since it will allow you to access your data on all of your devices, without having to fiddle with sync settings.

    If you haven't already, be sure to login to your 1Password Families account on the website to invite your wife. She can then setup her own account as part of your Family, and that will make it easy both for her to setup 1Password on her devices, but also for the two of you to share data.

    But before we get into sharing data, you'll need to put some in your 1Password Families vault(s). The easiest way to do that is by logging into your 1Password Families account in 1Password for Mac, and then using the Share menu to copy or move items from your Dropbox vault to either your "Personal" 1Password Families vault, or the "Shared" vault, in the cases of items you want everyone in your Family to have access to.

    For example, if you put a Secure Note containing an alarm code for the house in the Shared vault, it will automatically show up on not only all of your own devices you've setup with 1Password Families, but also your wife's once she's setup her account on her devices as well. And she can similarly share items with the whole Family by putting them in the Shared vault.

    I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • timsinger
    Community Member

    I have done all of the things you describe.
    However, when I try and sync, my only options are "Dropbox", "iCloud", or "Folder", which prompts me to select a folder in my documents..
    I have signed in as Teams on all of my devices but nothing syncs. In fact, on my secondary computer (Macbook Pro), only five of 316 logins appear.
    Please tell me where or how I can do a live walk through with support. I will pay. This is becoming a joke, and I am not a computer illiterate.

    Thank you.

    Tim Singer

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @timsinger,

    I'm so sorry you've been running into such difficulty getting this all set up! The good news is that I think this is likely just a bit of confusion between local vaults (i.e. ones that can sync via Dropbox or iCloud) and vaults that are part of your 1Password Families account. Local vaults have nothing to do with your 1Password Families account. Likewise, vaults in your Families account do not have the option to sync via Dropbox, iCloud, or Folder. If you see those options when you go to Preferences > Sync, that means you have one or more local vaults set up on that Mac.

    Instead, go to Preferences > Teams (or Preferences > Accounts, depending on the exact version of the app). If you don't see your 1Password Families account listed there, you'll need to do that first. Simply follow the "Add your account" steps here:

    Set up the apps and import your data

    Once you've added your Families account to the 1Password for Mac app, you'll need to move your data from the local vault to your Families account. Just follow the "Import data into your new account" steps in the above link (right below the "Add your account" steps).

    Once your data has been moved from your local vault to your Families account, it will show up in 1Password on your other devices - assuming of course that you've added your Families account to 1Password on those devices as well. It should be very easy if you follow the steps I've mentioned above, but if you're still having trouble after trying that, we'll be happy to look further into this and see how we can help you get this working as it should. Hopefully this will get things sorted out for you though. Please do let us know how it goes and if you have any questions about that. Cheers! :)

  • timsinger
    Community Member

    I had made all of the moves to the various vaults right when I enabled the family sharing. So, that is not the issue here.
    What I'm reading from you is that I should delete the agile keychain in my Dropbox, and change the sync settings in preferences to "none" (as opposed to Dropbox, iCloud or folder).
    Is this correct. I am nervous that I will lose my data on other machines although, as I mentioned, a lot of this has not transferred over anyway.
    I hope this works because every thing that is suggested to me gets me deeper into confusion.
    Why do you not have live help? Seems like a bad customer relations move.

    Thanks again,


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for hanging in there, @timsinger.

    A quick aside about live support

    We're a small team and don't have the means to provide inbound phone support, so we try our best to solve problems via forums or email if at all possible. For example, it is impossible to receive a Diagnostics Report over the phone, and following steps at your own pace is a huge advantage of forum and email support. But of course if you would prefer email support, you can email us instead:

    It is the same team of people replying both here and via email, but if you prefer email, please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum username so that we can "connect the dots". You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here so we can quickly track down your email and ensure that it is dealt with quickly. Otherwise, I am happy to continue assisting you here in the forum. :)

    Keep the old vault (for now)

    You are right that ultimately you may wish to delete the vault you were syncing with Dropbox. But it may be prudent to leave it in place for now until the transition is complete.

    If you click the vault switcher in the top left corner, you can switch to individual vaults to quickly verify that the data is where you expect it to be.

    Sign in to your family account on other devices

    I would recommend signing in to your family account on your other Macs and iOS devices. Then you can verify that the data in the family vaults is available there as well. Since you mentioned that "a lot of this has not transferred over anyway", I want to make sure that we resolve that before you delete your old vault.

    All Vaults

    The only reason you might want to remove the old vault eventually would be to avoid confusion and clutter. But you can choose which vaults appear in All Vaults as well as the default vault for saving new items in your browsers. You can do this on the All Vaults preference pane.

    So you might consider removing your Primary vault from All Vaults (assuming that is your old vault where you moved everything from). And set your Personal vault in your family account as the default vault for saving.

    I hope that helps. Please let me know.


This discussion has been closed.