Is there a Mini 1Password app for iOS devices like the one for Mac OS?

Community Member

While using my Mac, when I wanted to log into my account on this web site, all I needed to do is click on the Mini 1Password icon in the Menu Bar, it filled in my login information and in a moment I was logged in. Is there a similar feature like this for iOS devices? For instance not having this sort of feature is a pain when a email message directs me to log into a web site and I don't remember the info needed.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Is there a Mini 1Password app for iOS devices like the one for Mac OS?


  • Ben

    Hi @Ray_Ratchford,

    Thanks for taking the time to write in. Yes! There is a Safari extension, which it sounds like what you're looking for. You can find more info here:

    Enable the extension | 1Password for iOS


  • Ray_Ratchford
    Community Member

    Thank you very much. Your advise will do the trick for both my iPhone 6s and iPad 3rd Gen. BTW: Would that same setup work if I were using Google Chrome or some other browser?

  • Ben


    You're very welcome!

    Would that same setup work if I were using Google Chrome

    Yes. Google Chrome has integrated our extension as well, so once you've enabled it in Safari you should be able to use it in Chrome as well.

    or some other browser?

    That depends on the browser. 3rd party apps (other than Safari) must explicitly add support for our extension.



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