Vulnerability Alerts

Community Member

I love that when I go to use a password from a site that has had some sort of recent compromise, 1Password puts that red bar at the top of those credentials' password cards in the app. However, there are a lot of instances that I fill out passwords without ever specifically opening the app and seeing those warnings, and the. When I do... I always think "Crap! How long has this been up without my realizing I need to make a change."
I would appreciate the option for push alerts customized to what's in my vault as soon as a certain credential is deemed at risk if there's a secure way to do that. If not or in addition to that... Just a status number somewhere in the app that always shows the number of at risk passwords. Or another coyly options: just a tab or page within the app that can be manually accessed to see any at risk credentials. And finally, simply changing the color of the name of the login to red as it appears in the full list(s) of logins so they are visible upon scrolling through the whole vault's worth of fan.


  • Ben

    Thanks for the kind words, and the suggestions, @knobbs! Watchtower is a new feature to iOS. We've had it on Mac for some time, and some of the requests you've made are already present there. It is likely that we'll do more with Watchtower on iOS as we continue to move forward. :)


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