Is the only way to convert to 1password from Roboform importing sites and passwords one at a time?

Community Member

My wife uses Roboform on her MacBook, iPad and iPhone. I'd like to move her over to 1password, but know that if it has to happen one site at a time, that she will not make the change. Is there another way?

1Password Version: 6
Extension Version: 2.1 (621002)
OS Version: the latest on each device
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:changing from Roboform to 1passwork on macs


  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    An experienced user (he's not an AgileBits staff member) named mrc has written various converters including one for Roboform.

    Search the forums for his name or for "converter" and you should find them. And he may well reply to the thread himself.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited April 2016

    Hi @JohnShaw ,

    Here's the link to the converter suite . Use the roboform converter. You can use the handy AppleScript Conversion Utility to simplify the process, but please do read the README, especially the part about how to export your RoboForm data. Use the 1.09 version of the converter in the Testing Bits section (I've fixed a bug with the roboform converter in that release).

    You'll need to import the resulting 1PIF file into a personal vault and then you can do with it what you need.

  • JohnShaw
    Community Member

    Awesome. Thanks for the assist.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited April 2016

    @JohnShow - you're welcome. Please refresh/re-read what I wrote above, as I was likely editing when you replied, so you may not have seen the final text. Sorry for crossing wires.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Please do let us know if there is anything else we can help with, John. I'm so glad MrC is on our side. He's one of the good ones. :)

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