1Password adds a new section called "Conflicts" when creating Login elements using browser extension

Community Member


This has been happening for a while though I can't specify since when, and it does not always happen:

Sometimes, when I register or sign in on a website whose login details are not saved in 1Password and, after saving them when asked, 1P creates a new section in that login element called "Conflictos" ("Conflicts" in English) which contains the password who is also saved as normal below the username.

Why does this happen? I can confirm this happened to me twice more but I can't remember the websites.

I attach a screenshot with the login element 1P created for the website yambalu.com, some minutes ago:

Thanks and regards.

1Password Version: 6.2.1
Extension Version: 4.5.5
OS Version: OS X 10.11.4
Sync Type: Families


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @alvaro87,

    You’ll see a ‘Conflicts’ section in 1Password whenever you edit the same item on multiple devices. The conflict happens because when 1Password syncs, it can’t determine which edit is the correct one. To ensure that no data is lost, the extra data is saved in a Conflict section.

    For example: if you’re editing an item on your iPhone and then make changes to the same item on your Mac, you might see a Conflict section.

    However, if this is a brand new item that has just been created by the browser extension, you shouldn’t be seeing this. Could you tell me a bit more about how you’re creating these new entries? Is it happening on particular sites? We’d love to recreate this here so we can track this down, and the more detail you can provide, the better!

  • alvaro87
    Community Member
    edited April 2016

    Hello Megan,

    I created it using the browser extension in Safari.

    I visited yambalu.com, entered my login details and, when 1P asked me if I wanted to save the login details, I said yes. That's all I did. I didn't modify anything on any other device. It was a brand new item.

    Both passwords (the one below my username and the one in Conflicts section) are the same.

    Anyway I don't understand your example, I mean, why should 1P show that conflict section after editing items in different devices? Because If I change something (which is not the current situation), shouldn't it appear like a history of changes instead of like conflicts? Why is it a conflict if I change something in my Mac and then I edit the same item on my iOS device?

    Thanks and regards ;)

    EDIT: I have created a new fake account on that website using a temporary e-mail and 1P didn't create a Conflict section for that new login data. But I assure I did the same before so I don't know why this happened.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @alvaro87: I believe you! It may be something as silly as a time discrepancy between devices too. Think of it this way: if you edit on two devices, how is 1Password supposed to know which one should "count"? Even if there's a clear "winner" when it comes to who was first, do you want 1Password to throw out the other change you made? That's where conflicts come in. I guess it sounds a bit negative, but it's actually a positive thing, since you don't lose the first change you made in another place just because a newer one came through.

    As far as making it "transactional", that implies a linear progression that may not necessarily apply. What if you make a change on a Mac, forget to save, save a change on an iPhone, and then realize you forgot to save on the Mac and do it there finally. Maybe the Mac is simply offline and the change can't go through, whereas the iPhone has a cellular connection to send it immediately. In either case, you probably don't want to lose data, and I'm not sure there's a reasonable way for 1Password to determine your intent. So we're back to "conflicts".

    That said, if you can tell us the exact steps to reproduce this, it may be something predictable we can improve. But ultimately the most important thing is that 1Password doesn't throw out data we might want to keep.

  • alvaro87
    Community Member

    Hello @brenty,

    I like the fact that 1P uses this kind of "protection". What I didn't understand is why this happened when adding that login data as I was just using my Mac and my iPhone and iPad were locked on the table.

    As I sais before, I tried to reproduce the problem creating a new (fake) account on yambalu.com and everything went well, no conflicts section at all.

    If this happens to me again, I will post here to let you know ;)

    Thanks and regards.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @alvaro87,

    I’m glad that Brenty was able to explain the Conflicts section for you. You’re right, it is certainly meant as a protection and not an annoyance. :)

    I have to say, I’ve never seen 1Password create a brand new entry with a conflicts section though. If you do notice this again, please let us know and we’ll investigate further. Like Brenty says, letting us know the exact steps that you took that led to this happening will help us out a lot.

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