Merging vaults

Community Member

Hey guys,

So.. ok, most of my questions are answered here ( ) thanks to Drew_AG !!!
I have one last question though that I can't figure out: how the final sync is performed ? I mean, there are two vaults (in my case, three vaults - yes, merge one at the time) however, which version of each password is kept ? I wish to assume it's the most recent, but I want to hear from you, support people (preferably from Drew :-) ).

What I mean is that it took me a couple of weeks to realize that Google Drive was synchronizing anymore in my workplace (probably IT pushed something that now prevents logon... FireAmp I am guessing); anyway, after two weeks, I had made password changes at home and at work so I had two vaults with different data (of course, don't know what was changed).

In the name of sanity because Google Drive was working pretty good, I tried then many ways but could not GD back in working order at my workplace. I went then with Box Sync because it was the corporate choice but I had even more problems.

At the end, I finished having 3 vaults and want to merge them all (one by one, of course) to my primary, so I want to know what will happen:

Will the data on the primary vault be updated with data from the merged ? How ? Here are my guesses:
a) is the primary data blindly overwritten ? (horrible !)
b) will the primary vault be overwritten only if the secondary has new data ? (this is what I want to hear)
c) will there be created double entries on the primary vault ? (bad, but not the worse as a) )
d) will 1Password 6 show me options and ask how I want to sync ?

Lemme me know asap.



1Password Version: 1Password6, V6.1 (610005)
Extension Version: ?? dunno what this is ??
OS Version: OSX 10.10.5
Sync Type: Google Drive/Folder


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @alexdelara,

    Drew isn't around over the weekend but I'm going to try and my best to help and you have to admit, that stick figure strikes quite the pose!

    What can you expect to find in your merged vault?

    We adopt a conservative approach. We will only merge items from two vaults if they have the same Universally Unique ID (UUID). If they don't we treat the as individual items. They can share the same title, username and password but unless the UUIDs match they're treated as separate items. In these instances you will see duplicates requiring you to manually remove one. When you do this I would recommend ensuring you don't have any unique information held only in one copy. If an item in each vault has the same UUID we will merge the two. When will they have the same UUID? if the item originally came from the same location they will have the same UUID. For example if the two Agile Keychains are from the same vault but were stored in different locations and from different points in time. Where the data is the same in both it's easy, there is nothing to do. When there is different data in each we will keep one set of the data where it normally resides and place the other set in a custom section titled Conflicts. This way we don't risk throwing anything important away and instead leave it to the user to ensure the good data is kept and the now obsolete data is removed. So as you can see, there will likely be some cleanup required afterwards.

    What I would recommend doing is copying all three Agile Keychains and place them somewhere safe. Then in 1Password for Mac use the menu option File > Backup before connecting 1Password to each Agile Keychain so that you have a backup prior to each merge that you can return to if required. As the merge affects the Agile Keychain the backup of those set aside will also mean you can return to the original Agile Keychains should you need to so nothing is irreversible.

    If you have any questions before you start please do ask and I hope this helps.

    @Drew_AG will be back Monday though :wink:

  • alexdelara
    Community Member

    Hi there littlebobbytables.

    Thank you for the quick answer. I can now proceed with more confidence. I understand the conservative approach is best - and I'll perform cleanup after I merge and check them all (at that time I will have about 800 entries to verify but since I expect many to be a match, it should be easy enough).

    Thanks again.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Don't forget @alexdelara, if you have any questions before you start please don't hesitate to ask :smile:

  • alexdelara
    Community Member

    Merge is done. Cleanup is done. Problems solved. Thanks for the help Littlebobbytables. This can be closed.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @alexdelara,

    I’m so glad to hear that our team was able to help get you merged and tidied - thanks for letting us know. I’ll be sure that Little Bobby gets your thanks!

    I hope that 1Password behaves perfectly for you from now on, but if you have any other questions or concerns, we're here for you! :)

  • alexdelara
    Community Member


    The problem was not actually with 1Password - it's been working pretty good.

    The problem was that in my company, Google Drive is not able to connect so my local copy of the vault at work was updated (but did not propagate to drive); then at home any change went through, so I had two vaults (that later became three vaults due to me making copy "to be on the safe side") and they were all different...because it took me a week to realize that I could not connect to google drive from work (i'm using now iDrive now but I learned the lesson to keep an eye on this setup).

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for taking the time to follow up here to clarify what was causing the problem! Since multiple apps & services all need to work together in this situation, it can sometimes be tricky to determine the exact cause of an issue like that. But I'm glad it's all sorted out now. Hopefully you're all set, but you know where to find us if you need anything else. ;)

This discussion has been closed.