
Community Member

I wish I could take a pic of any card and add that to my applepay, ie driver's license, gym membership, AAA card, etc.

1Password Version: 6.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: ios 9.3.1
Sync Type: dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:applepay


  • Ben

    Hi @caboarder

    Thanks for taking the time to write in. Do you mean you'd like to be able to add photos of those items to 1Password (not Apple Pay)? If so, I agree completely! And hopefully that is something that'll be possible in the future. If you did actually mean Apple Pay you may have more success in contacting Apple, as they develop Apple Pay, not AgileBits. :)



    ref: OPI-1027

  • caboarder
    Community Member

    I want 1password and wallet to talk to each other. So if I want to add a pic of my ID to Apple wallet, I can do it through 1password

  • Ben

    Thanks @caboarder! I don't believe Apple allows apps to integrate with Apple Wallet / Apple Pay in that way, but I'll certainly pass the feedback along to our development team for their consideration (especially if the landscape changes in the future).


  • caboarder
    Community Member

    Rewards cards get linked in the wallet app. Couldn't a password app?

  • AGKyle
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @caboarder

    That's an interesting thought. I haven't done any research on this but the one thing that would potentially cause issues (for us at least) is that they may use some sort of special QR code or similar bar code that works for that card in the various stores. It could be impossible for us to make a rewards card QR code for these cards based on that. Again, this is just theoretical as I haven't done any research but if they don't use QR codes and instead use the NFC scanner then that could be even more proprietary and not possible for us to make it work with those cards.

    It's a neat idea, but it could very well be impossible for us to mimic each store card and it's possible that we'd have to try to implement support for each card individually which means there would be a lot of cards we wouldn't support without possibly spending a great deal of time on each one (we don't have the resources for that type of thing I'm afraid)

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