Build 117 Release Notes


Canadian Trivia Time: Did you know that John Madden was born on this day (May 4th) in 1973?

I can immediately hear your minds working overtime thinking... "but John Madden wasn't born in May, he's much older than that, and he's not even Canadian!". All true, but I am talking about this John Madden. This slightly lesser known John Madden was one of the best defensive forwards in hockey in his time, winning the Selke Trophy along with three Stanley Cups. He once scored a hat-trick where two of his goals were short-handed!

I hope you enjoyed this bit of trivia along with some pretty nice fixes in today's build :)

Here is what is new in Build 117:

  • [IMPROVED] If you run into a rare "incorrect vault content version" error when saving an item in vault view, there's now a better, more descriptive error message.
  • [FIXED] Fixed an issue with the layout of devices in the list of authorized devices. {1531}
  • [FIXED] Fixed an issue where you wouldn't be able to cancel the creation of a new item when the vault is empty.
  • [FIXED] Fixed an issue where you'd get an error message when emptying the trash if the items you were emptying are the last items in the vault.

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