Bug report: Freezing items and "textContent" being null

Community Member

(Browser: the latest Chrome 50.0.2661.94 64-bit on the latest OS X 10.11.2. I'm in the category of "absolutely regular users" which means no fancy plugins, encryption or god knows what running in the background. I use the browser, Notes, Calendar, Skype and voila :) )

( Bug 1 )
While in a vault browsing through saved Items (item = login / server / license), they "freeze". What do I mean by "freeze"? When you go from one item (Item A) to the next one (Item B), data from the previous one (Item A) just remains in a right pane! So, you have the Item B selected on the left (list) side, but you still see data from the Item A on the right (item preview) side. The same thing is both with editing and previewing. Everything gets completely messed up and things overlay one another.

The bug is persistent and really renders the web app unusable!

Login, Wireless Router and Password types of Items are OK and cause no problems described above. Server or Secure Note type of items cause chaos.

( Bug 2 )
I also get a error messages almost after any action I make:

(2.A) If I remove a "password" field from the "Software license" item, I get:

Failed to save item:
Cannot set property 'textContent' of null

(Yet, the app removes the said password.)

(2.B) After I invite a new user into 1Password and he enters all the data, then I have to confirm him. But there is no button to confirm him in the team list :D ! I had to come up with a hack... you have to click "Edit" (the user's name) and then immediately click "Close". Then, out of nowhere, the button "Confirm the user" appears.

(2.C) If I move an Item to trash, I get:

Failed to trash item:
Cannot set property 'textContent' of null

(Yet, the app moves the said item to trash.)


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.11.2
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:removeChild


  • petarsimic
    Community Member

    And it's a Chrome thing (works fine on Safari and in the Mac app). I've tried logging out and back in, restarting the browser and restarting the computer, nothing works.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @petarsimic,

    I take it you're referring to 1Password mini, the menu that pops up when you click on the 1Password icon in either the browser toolbar or the OS X menu bar. Everything graphical, the entire menu and all the stuff behind it is actually inside the main 1Password application. The extension serves a very specific purpose and that's to act as a bridge between the browser and 1Password. It tells 1Password what the page looks like and then fills in the fields as instructed by 1Password. So I suspect that despite your observations it's likely Chrome is a red herring as the extension and browser aren't involved at all for any vault manipulations such as editing, deleting etc.

    What will help is to know what version of 1Password you have on your system. For completeness sake we may as well ask for the browser extension version too although I do think we'll find it isn't a factor (but I will hold my hands up if I'm found to be completely wrong on that).

    You do seem to be a couple of updates behind on your operating system though as we're up to 10.11.4 now. Usually OS X is pretty insistent about you updating, I know it nags the heck out of me until I acquiesce to its demands. I'm wondering what version of 1Password you're running as a result as we've been continuously making improvements after the massive changes we made in 6.0 so being up-to-date here is important too.

    If needed we'll ask for a diagnostic report that you can send in via email and we'll see if that highlights anything. We'll wait to hear back about the version numbers first though.

  • petarsimic
    Community Member

    5/5—the best support answer ever: fast, solves the problem, gives you the broad picture to boot.

    And I dig the nick :)

    I was referring to the SaaS I use through my browser though—the most regular stuff on a domain {our_team_name}.1password.com, not the said menu. Hence, there's no version number as you're hosting that on your end and serving directly to my web client.

    My Mac wasn't insistent on the update you mentioned (I don't know why). Now that I found out I'm falling behind, I quickly went to the settings and updated it by myself to the latest version. To my surprise, everything works impeccably now!

    Cheers "Bobby"!
    Petar Simic

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    That's great news @petarsimic, I'm really glad to hear the OS X update seems to have solved the problems you were having! Thank you for clarifying that the problems were happening in the web app for your 1Password Teams account - your initial post makes a bit more sense to us now. :)

    Hopefully it all keeps working correctly for you from now on, but just in case those problems start happening again and you need to follow up here, I've moved this discussion to our Teams Beta forum. Cheers!

This discussion has been closed.