Easy open

Community Member

I have 1P6 on 2 home computers with a STRONG Master Password. The Master Password is too tough for my wife, so on the computer that she uses, I had a more simple password to open 1P6. The suggestion to do this came from 1P, maybe even Dave Teare. I've changed to a new Mac computer for the device that my wife uses a lot, re-downloaded 1P6 from the Mac App Store, but can't remember how to allow her to use a more simple Master Password to access my 1P database. Can you remind me how to set up the second easy-to-use password to open the program, at least to open 1P Mini.

1Password Version: 6.2.1
Extension Version: Safari
OS Version: 10.11.4
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: ug:mac/, kb:contact-us, kb-search:simple password to open 1password, kb:faq


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @PDHirsh01,

    Thanks for writing in with your question!

    To make sure I understand - are you and your wife syncing the same vault (via Dropbox) between each Mac, so you both have access to the same data, but you want her to be able to unlock it on her Mac with a different master password than yours? Or do you each have your own separate vault(s) and sync/share them with each other?

    There are actually multiple ways to achieve what you're trying to do, and I'm not sure exactly how you set it up before. To make sure we give you the best suggestion for your setup, it will help if you can let us know a few more details:

    • How many vaults are in 1Password on each Mac?
    • Do you and your wife have (or want) your own separate vaults as well as one you share with each other? Or do you want to have just one vault on both Macs?
    • On the new Mac that your wife will use, have you already set up 1Password by syncing your vault from Dropbox? Or did you set it up as a new user with an empty vault?
    • If you synced your existing vault from Dropbox on the new Mac, did you need to enter your own master password?

    I think that should help us understand so we can explain what you'll need to do. Thanks! :)

  • PDHirsh01
    Community Member

    Thanks Drew. So what I had working was:
    a) In the past, one vault, anywhere and everywhere
    b) Going forward, the same one vault for everyone was the plan
    c) In the past, there was one vault in Dropbox, and one master password, but somehow she also had a simple password to open that vault
    d) The new computer was set up with my complex master password accessing the one Dropbox vault

    Does all this help?? My recollection is that there was some setting that I was able to turn on in the past that allowed a second simple access to the vault. I have always been concerned how that worked and if completely compromised my entire complex security, so I'd be interested in your comments about this as well.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for those additional details, @PDHirsh01. They are very helpful.

    Before I go too far, I want to lay out a few things:

    • Every local vault (i.e. vault that is not part of a family or team account) has exactly one Master Password.
    • That one Master Password is required in order to unlock the vault. There is no secret entrance, second password, or back door. As you correctly allude to, this is for your protection. Any additional way to unlock the vault would only weaken the security.
    • However, 1Password saves the Master Passwords for secondary vaults in one's Primary vault.

    So it would be possible to set up 1Password with a Primary vault for you and a different Primary vault for your wife. Then you would each add the shared vault as a secondary vault. The Master Password of the Primary vault would unlock 1Password which would then unlock your secondary (shared) vault where you could store everything. This is the only way I can think for you to have set things up before. However, you could simplify this by signing up for 1Password Families.

    With a family account, you each have your own Master Password and also each have your own Personal vault that the other person cannot access. You also have a Shared vault that everyone in the family can access. If you wanted to store everything in the Shared vault, you could do that. You can even create additional vaults. With a family account, you only have one Master Password for your account (and your wife would have her separate Master Password for her own account). You don't have to manage separate passwords for each vault.

    Let me know how you'd like to proceed. Signing up for the new 1Password Families service would be simplest, and it brings some advanced family management features that syncing with Dropbox doesn't allow for. However, it does require an ongoing subscription since we store the data and handle all the syncing for you. You just need to sign in to your account and everything Just Works. :)

    If you'd prefer to stick with Dropbox, we can work with that as well. It simply requires a bit more effort to achieve a similar setup.

  • PDHirsh01
    Community Member

    I'm too old for this back and forth leaving comments -- I hate it. Each step, each comment, leaves something else unspoken and unclear. What a waste of time. I can't believe this is the future (or present) of customer service and support. I need to talk to a human who could straighten it / me out in 5 minutes.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @PDHirsh01 ,

    I’m sorry that you’re finding this frustrating! If you would prefer to contact our team via email, we’d be happy to help you out at support@agilebits.com.

    I can promise you though, that everyone monitoring the forums here is indeed a human. :)

    If you choose to email in, or to reply here, please let us know which part of Khad’s reply above was unclear for you. I know he gave you a few options there, so if you’re finding it difficult to choose which is best for you, I can certainly understand!

    The short answer here is that if you and your wife are sharing only one vault, then the Master Password of that vault will be the same for both of you. What Khad mentioned above were some alternatives that could help give you the result that you seek (a simpler Master Password for your wife) while still sharing your information. We’d be happy to give you a bit more detail on either option, and provide detailed steps for getting things set up.

  • PDHirsh01
    Community Member

    "I can promise you though, that everyone monitoring the forums here is indeed a human. :)" This is not appreciated. Either you think I don't know the respondents are human (ie, I'm stupid), or you're responding to my expression of extreme frustration regarding the company's customer support with humor, which is equally annoying and frustrating. Just think about how you would feel if you expressed extreme frustration to someone and they responded with humor (I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt). Is anyone monitoring these boards?? Does Dave Teare care how one of his most loyal customers is feeling?? Please pass this along to his inbox for me. Seriously.

    I've been a 1Password loyal user almost since the beginning. I have a liberal arts degree from a leading college and an advanced professional degree and a career of teaching and research at a major academic institution -- humor to frustration only deepens the wound. And when someone with my background tells you the current method of support (back and forth in writing) isn't working, your solution to do it in email rather than text is, with respect, idiotic.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @PDHirsh01,

    You’re right, my comment was unhelpful and unnecessary and I sincerely apologize.

    At this time, we are unable to offer phone support, which is why I suggested email as an alternative to a forum conversation. I understand that email is still written communication, but many users find it easier than conversing in forums, and I was hoping that it would be an option for you.

    Again, I am truly sorry for causing you further frustration, it was not intended.

This discussion has been closed.