New password entry backwards

Community Member

Version 6.2.1 under El Capiton and using Voiceover.
Have seen complaints about this but saw it for the first time today. When entering a new password, typed characters are entered in reverse. Say you type CoffeeShop the end result is pohSeeffoC. This is disastrous for one who is blind; neither sees nor hears the mistyped entry.

1Password Version: 6.2.1
Extension Version: 4.5.5
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @BlueFrog,

    Thanks for taking the time to contact us. I'm sorry that you are having some trouble.

    I am not able to reproduce this. Could you walk me through it? Here is what I tried:

    1. Open and unlock 1Password.
    2. From the File menu, choose New Item > Login.
    3. Type a password in the password field.

    The password is not backwards when I do that.

    Is there a part I am missing? A different item type perhaps? Or entering the password via a different input method?

  • BlueFrog
    Community Member

    Hmmm. Using Voiceover? I see this both when editing a current login or creating a new one.

  • Hi @BlueFrog ,

    I tried it in Voiceover and it seems to work fine. It almost sounds like something it pressing left-arrow after you type each character. I can't think of any other way this would happen. If you enter two characters, with a long pause between typing each character, are they still backwards?

    If so, let me know.

    If not, try a few more characters, with a long pause between each one. Are they still backwards?

    Also, are you able to see the cursor location while typing the password? After you type a single character, does the cursor location move to the left or stay to the right of the character?


  • BlueFrog
    Community Member
    edited May 2016

    Entry of the first character is fine. The cursor stays to the right, But as soon as I enter the second one, whether I do it slowly or quickly, the cursor jumps to the left. I did this with a new entry and an existing login, same results. The master password behaves correctly as do other apps that requires passwords.

    I tried to get input from users who experience this but am not receiving meaningful input.

  • Vee_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @BlueFrog,

    I actually found an open issue for this unusual behavior in our internal issue tracker, and I've added your comments there. As far as I can tell, we haven't yet determined what causes this or any feasible workarounds, which I realize is not helpful, and I'm sorry about this.

    We very much appreciate you reporting your experience, and if you wouldn't mind sending us a Diagnostics Report from your Mac, it may help our developers research the issue further. If you do choose to email us that report, please include a link to this forum thread so we can cross-reference them. Thanks very much!
    ref: OPM-3347

This discussion has been closed.