Very strange!!!

Community Member

I am experiencing something I've never experienced before with 1Password. I go my banking site, and the log in is rejected. When I check what details are stored in 1Password log in for that site, they are WRONG! I corrected them, log in successfully, logged out. When I log in again, the log in is WRONG again!! (it's been changed in 1Password to another random combination) What is going on??!!

1Password Version: 1Password 6 Version 6.2.1 (621002) AgileBits Store
Extension Version:
OS Version: Chrome 50.0.2661.94
Sync Type: icloud


  • Babbling
    Community Member

    Additionally: the username is correct and not changing...just the password.

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Babbling,

    That sounds very strange indeed! How exactly are you changing the login? Is there any chance that you click on the gear by the password after you've changed it, changing it again to a randomly generated one?

    Could you please try to create a new item from scratch and see what happens? To do this just go to your bank's webpage, type in the correct login information and before logging in click on the gear at the right side of the search bar in 1Password mini. Click on "Save new login" and go ahead with "Create new login", give it a different name so you know which one is the new one.

    Please let us know what happens with the new login so we can go from there! :chuffed:

  • Babbling
    Community Member

    G'day Pilar...thanks for you very quick response!

    I wondered that as well. Particularly since the 'gear' symbol is in the same place in edit mode, as the 'reveal' button in non-edit mode. I thought that must be what I have done.

    But it definitely isn't that! I've checked it multiple times.

    I wonder if you could check my bank site: I've noticed for a while that I have to enter my info twice. That is, I'll fill using 1Password, and it will say something is wrong. So I'll just fill it again and it will work. This has been happening for a while.

    But tonight I fill it multiple times and it won't work. If I manually enter the numbers, then it works. And then 1Password asks me if I want to create a new one or amend the current one.

    If I do that, it changes the passwords.

    If I choose cancel, it keeps it the same. (I worked that out by creating multiple new log ins as you suggested.)

    So I'm guessing what is happening is that the site is changing the entered data before opening the rest of the site (i.e. before going into my account).

    Even if that is the cause of the changed password data, I'm still frustrated by the fact that all of a sudden I can't log into my bank account using 1Password.



  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Babbling,

    Thanks for letting us know the URL for that site! I don't have an account there, but I saved a test Login item after filling some random text in the fields of that sign-in form, and I think I see what you mean about the info being changed. Just to make sure we're on the same page, here's what I tried:

    • Went to
    • Filled in the 3 fields there: Card/Access Number, Security Number, and Internet Password
    • Saved a new Login item, then found it in the main 1Password app
    • At the top of the item details, the 'username' field (i.e. the 'Card/Access Number' field from the site) was correct
    • The 'password' field (i.e. the 'Internet Password" field from the site) was also correct
    • Clicked on 'show web form details' to see all three fields, and the 'securityNumber' field was incorrect (changed to something random)

    Is that the same problem you noticed? You had said the "password" was changed in your Login, but for me it was actually the Security Number field that was changed. If the same thing happened to you, please try these steps:

    • Visit the sign-in page, fill in the 3 fields, but do not submit the form.
    • Click the 1Password extension, click the gear icon (to the right of the Search field), then select Save new Login.
    • Give the new Login item a unique name to tell it apart from the old one(s), then click Save Login.
    • Open the main 1Password app and find that new Login item, then click Edit.
    • Click 'show web form details' and check the 'securityNumber' field.
    • If that field has the wrong number, replace it with the right one and click Save.
    • Go back to the site and try to fill the sign-in form with the new Login item.

    Does it work correctly this time? Let us know how it goes, thanks! :)

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