Backup file question

Community Member

After loading 1password backup files on my mac to search for a lost note entry, how do I return to the most recent 1password data file?

Do I simply restart 1password, or do I have to load the most recent backup file?

If loading the most recent backup is the solution, I am noting a large discrepancy between my most recent backups (5/6 and 5/7) of nearly 100 less items on the 5/7 backup. I have not deleted any items recently that I can recall. Is there a way to compare the 2 recent backups to see what items have been deleted, or is there another way to handle the discrepancy?

Additional info: I have added 1password for families recently and also use 1 password for iOS on multiple devices. I also see that for some reason, 1password is currently not syncing with any service (I have used dropbox in the past) and I am not sure why.

Thank you for your help.

1Password Version: 6.2.1
Extension Version: 4.5.5
OS Version: 10.11.4
Sync Type: Currently none.


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @GFellow,

    I'm sorry your latest 1Password backup is showing less items than you expect! I think I understand what's happening and can help to explain it.

    After loading 1password backup files on my mac to search for a lost note entry, how do I return to the most recent 1password data file?

    Do I simply restart 1password, or do I have to load the most recent backup file?

    Restoring from a backup replaces your current data with the backup file's data. So, to return to your most recent data, you'll need to restore from the most recent backup file.

    ...I am noting a large discrepancy between my most recent backups (5/6 and 5/7) of nearly 100 less items on the 5/7 backup.

    I think that's most likely related to this:

    I have added 1password for families recently...

    The local backup files on your Mac contain data from your local vaults, which are vaults that are not part of your 1Password Families account (your Families vaults are backed up on our secure servers). If you recently signed up for Families, you probably also moved items from your local vault(s) to your Families account. Is it possible you moved about 100 items to your Families account? If so, and those items are no longer in your local vault(s), they will no longer be included in the local backups.

    One thing to keep in mind is that when you restore from a backup, you'll need to re-add your Families account to 1Password. I wanted to mention that in case you didn't notice and haven't re-added it yet.

    1password is currently not syncing with any service (I have used dropbox in the past) and I am not sure why.

    When you restore 1Password from a backup, that also disables the sync settings for your local vault(s) (this is explained in the message that appears when you select a backup file and click 'Restore'). Once you restore to your most recent data, you'll need to re-enable Dropbox sync.

    Also, please note that any vaults in your Families account won't be syncing via Dropbox. The data in your Families account syncs through our secure servers, so you don't need to worry about any sync settings for that.

    Does this all help to explain what happened?

  • GFellow
    Community Member

    Hello, Drew. I do not remember adding that many, or perhaps, not any, items to 1password for families. Should I go ahead and restore from the most recent backup and then try re-adding Families again?

  • GFellow
    Community Member

    Also, the families account was not added on 5/6 or 5/7.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @GFellow,

    I do not remember adding that many, or perhaps, not any, items to 1password for families.

    It's possible my guess is incorrect and that something else happened, but have you checked the vaults in your Families account to see if your missing items are there? In case it helps, remember that you can sign into your account from

    Should I go ahead and restore from the most recent backup and then try re-adding Families again?

    If you plan to keep looking for the missing note from your Login, you might want to continue restoring from older backups first. Otherwise, if you're done looking for that (at least for now), then yes, you can go ahead and restore your latest data and re-add your Families account (and also re-enable Dropbox sync for local vaults if necessary).

    Also, the families account was not added on 5/6 or 5/7.

    The date you added your Families account to the 1Password for Mac app isn't necessarily the date you moved items from local vaults to your Families vaults. Moving items between vaults can be done at any time. Do you happen to remember if you moved items between vaults on 5/6 or 5/7?

    My theory of what happened was really just a guess, although it seemed like there was a good chance that was what happened. Your items should never simply disappear for no reason, so if you didn't move them to your Families account but they're missing from your local vault(s), we'll be happy to look further into this and get to the bottom of what happened. Just let us know how it all goes. Thanks! :)

  • GFellow
    Community Member

    There are zero items in both my personal and shared vaults. So, no items appear to have been moved.

  • GFellow
    Community Member

    I haven't finished setting them up yet.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    @GFellow, is it possible that you emptied your trash around the time that the item count had that big change? Items in the trash are counted as part of the total.

    Otherwise, you would need to manually comb through the items to try to figure out which ones are present in the older backup and not in the most recent one. I'm not sure why so many items would just go missing without some explicit action on your part, but we do want to make sure to get this sorted out for you.

  • GFellow
    Community Member

    I don't think I emptied the trash. Currently showing 377 items in the trash. I've attached a screenshot
    of the backup file list.

  • GFellow
    Community Member

    Is there a way to print a list of all the saved entry titles without including all the data? I tried to print a list and it was almost 300 pages. If I could print a list of the items in both backup files, I could compare them to see what is missing.

  • Hi @GFellow ,

    You could export your items to a csv file, and then load that into a spreadsheet and print from there. Keep in mind that csv file is not encrypted, so be sure to delete it when you are finished with it.

    Note if you have more than one vault, it's possible you emptied the trash in one vault, but not the others. That may explain why you still see items in your trash.


  • GFellow
    Community Member

    Hi Kevin. Thanks for the reply. I'll try the csv file export and compare the lists. I don't think I have ever deleted the trash before.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    On behalf of Kevin, you're very welcome! Let us know how it all works out for you, we'll be interested to hear the results. Thanks! :)

  • GFellow
    Community Member

    Looking at the two backup files' (csv exports), the entries correspond up to entry #1128, and then the earlier backup contains all the additional files. I can't see a clear connection between these extra entries to determine why they disappeared from the backup the following day. I was thinking perhaps I accidentally selected some and deleted them, but I do not find any of them in the trash. So I am at a loss as to what happened to them. Nonetheless, my current 1password data set is built on the backup with the larger number of entries, so I don't think any have been lost permanently. Thanks again.

  • Glad to hear it worked out. If you notice items go missing, please let us know and we'll investigate.


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